Ruuvi sensors -> Ruuvi Gateway -> Home Assistant (Easy!)

Have spent weeks now trying to configure my RuuviGateway to talk with home assistant MQTT. All instructions found around internet are so cryptic that I have decided to give up. It is just not possible to do with existing instructions. I’m so disappointed that great hardware like ruuviTags and ruuviGateway are not playing with home assistant. I mean what are these devices good for when they are not working with Home assistant.

Disconnected useless gateway from my network and thew it to carton with all my TAGS. Just have to keep using my Airthings devices. They are very expensive but they work.


Have you ever asked for help anywhere?

If not, I don’t understand your reaction.

I have connected my RuuviTags via Shelly to the ioBroker MQTT broker.

I was also missing information. I was helped here and in the Shelly forum.

May I ask from which country you are writing? I am from Germany.

best regards

Seems to me that every question has already asked in different forums. But no working answers are found from anywhere. I don’t see reason to ask all the same questions again.

I’m stuck in the very beginning. My Gateway is mute. Can’t get anything from gateway to home assistant MQTT broker. It works like charm with MQTT X client, but no matter how I try to copy same configuration with gateway, nothing shows up to “Listen to topic” test section in HA.

I have already read tons of discussion about those python script setup with home assistant, and I’m pretty sure there is going to be huge problems also because instructions are so vague. But I’m not even there yet, nothing goes from Gateway to my home assistant MQTT broker.

It is so easy with Airthings cloud. I just open API interface and cloud creates key for me. Then with those 2 simple copy-paste in home assistant I see all my airthings devices. Why can’t there be something like that for RuuviGateway? I have no problem to pay pro-cloud membershp if there is API interface available for home assistant. RuuviTAGs are still OK to follow tem around you, but gateway is useless for me without connection to home assistant. Bought gateway because I was sure it gives me access to TAGs in HA, how wrong was I.

Unfortunately, I do not know HA.

But purely factually and if I understand you correctly, so MQTT works with another system, then the problem must be in the HA or in the network on the way to the HA!?

I work myself since a short time with RuuviTags. But i use MQTT without a Ruuvi gateway.

Therefore, unfortunately, I can not recreate anything to help more.

I think it must be other way around. HA MQTT broker receives messages from test client MQTT X. But nothing comes through from RuuviGateway. My test client is using same network so it can’t be the problem either. That leaves RuuviGateway to be only possible problem here.

Then I had unfortunately misunderstood you. I’m sorry.

Sorry about the difficulties in Home Assistant setup and thank you for the feedback.

We do not have a plug and play integration available yet, but we are looking into the best way to implement the integration. Currently we are planning to have the integration as a free to use within home network, no Ruuvi Cloud subscription or connection to outside Internet needed.

I cannot promise exact date for integration, but better Home Assistant support is a top priority in our development.


Good to hear that plans exist. I’m bit worried though, because I think my Gateway is broken somehow. It is crazy that I can’t get any MQTT messages out from it. So even if you setup some integration using that MQTT-feature, it propably won’t work for me. Paid 200€ for this Gateway and it seems not to do at all what I was expecting it to do.

My gateway works fine with cloud, it picks up nicely all TAGs around my house. I just don’t see any value with those values stored in cloud, I need them in my Home assistant for automation features and also to be visible in my wall display.
So I’m hoping there will be some cloud based integration. Even if it is not free. Otherwise my gateway is just piece of useless-expensive-junk.

The MQTT itself should work just fine, have you tried to see the data with the default server How have you configured your MQTT broker, Gateway and how are you viewing the data?

Here is my MQTT config:

And here is my data viewed with MQTT.fx:

You can also return the Gateway by contacting if you are unhappy with it

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Article published about the Home Assistant and RuuviTags

Hi, author of the RuuviTag HA integration here :wave:

MQTT with HA doesn’t (can’t) work out of the box because HA doesn’t understand the ruuvi/... topics and can’t translate them into sensor update payloads.

I’m working on a Ruuvi Gateway integration for HA that basically acts like the Shelly/ESPhome bluetooth relay that already exist. Since there’s no streaming “pull” endpoint on the Gateway (yet? :wink: ) it’ll necessarily have to poll the /history endpoint at a given interval, but I think it’ll be fine.


Ruuvi Gateway integration works now perfectly in HA after 2023.2.2. update. Big thank you @akx! This is a huge improvement for usability of Gateway-system.


I have 2pcs of Ruuvitags and Ruuvi Gateway. Ruuvitags are seen at Home assistant trought Ruuvitag BLE integration and remote access is working as well trough the Ruuvi Gateway.

I need to have the vibration & gyro values as well to Homeassistant.
Will there be optional update as well for Ruuvi integration to Homeassitant with gyro & vibration related values as well?
Would like to get these to Homeassistant from Ruuvitag, but without MQTT setup:

1. Acceleration for X, Y and Z axes (g)
2. Movement counter

Ruuvi Bridge “MQTT” seems to log also the gyro values which I need most for my washing machine vibration sensing project:

Hi @Ismo_Korhonen , have you already asked on the Home Assistant forum about this yet?

Dear Marko,

Thanks for reminder. I have now also asked at Home Assistant Community. I really hope the gyro values could be also received.

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Regarding an MQTT rate limit option. I can provide one use case. I am using two Ruuvitags in my refrigerator/Freezer. Between the two tags, they publish ~2 messages per second. I have an Indigo (home automation) server which is subscribed to the message stream. In Indigo, I have virtual devices representing the Ruuvitags. Each incoming message must be parsed and the “data” state decoded, and then the virtual device must be updated. This processing consumes around 60% CPU on an Apple Mac mini M2 Pro! Note the Indigo architecture makes it very easy to create a virtual device for each Ruuvitag based on detecting the MAC address in the messages. Thus, I need only configure the existing system objects and, other than a few lines of Python to decode the data, no programming is required.

I realize I could use an HTTP server to receive the same data. However, this would require extensive programming and end up with far less flexibility.

In this application, updates every minute, even 5 or 10 minutes would be much more than is actually needed., Having the means to control either the tag sample rate or the MQTT publish rate would be perfect for this application.

Thank you for considering this option.

I think MQTT rate limit is going to be in the next version, @Marko can you confirm?

Yes @berkinet , we are adding an ability to set sending interval for MQTT and HTTP (10-3600 seconds) in the upcoming Ruuvi Gateway firmware version, it will be out in beta in next weeks!

Great news. Thank you.

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