Attached a Ruuvi to garage door and “watched” the door open and close!
Now if it’s late in the evening and I forgot to close the garage door I get a reminder!
influxdb command:
select accelerationZ from ruuvi_measurements where time > ‘2019-10-27 17:30:34’ and mac = ‘D6F3DADAC85E’ and time < ‘2019-10-27 18:22:00’ limit 50 tz(‘America/New_York’)
Nice and easy. The Ruuvis are perfect for windows, garage doors etc. Detection rate from ACC sensor in my tests are 100% but how to do this with horizontal doors? I don’t see any other reliable option than a hall sensor or a reed switch attached.
In practice is possible to monitor Movement Counter combined with fluctuations in RSSI in order to detect a movement in a static area (like opening a door or movement in an empty apartment). Quite reliable but has some disadvantages. It’s not what I’m looking for, only a way around.
I wish one could prepare a firmware with one GPIO port prepared for a easy way to connect a simple sensor. A lot of home automation could be done this way…
This is a new (for me ) understanding of how the sensor works.
Sorry I left that whole idea out of the post! ( the discussion was on slack)
After changing the orientation of a tag and observing the Z value it seems that it can be used to determine if the tag is tilted, inverted (as seen with a negative -1.) or positioned nearly vertically (a small absolute value like .004 or -.004)
so when the door is closed, the tag is vertical and the Z reports a very small value.
When the door is open the tag is horizontal (like laying upside down on a table) and Z reports a close to -1.0 value. Notice on the GarageDoorClosingvideo that the ruuvi is mounted upside down with the cover off.
VERY Easy to evaluate and not time critical at all!