I have implemented monitoring the garage door by observing the orientation of the Ruuvi Tag accelerationZ (no magnets or soldering required!) See Garage door monitor . There are other use cases where monitoring orientation or movement counter (which actually counts some vibrations) is easy.
I am in the process of setting up a “system” ( one ruuvi and one Raspberry Pi Zero W) for my daughter’s family. Standard firmware ruuvi advertises to raspberry pi (ruuviberry) logs data to influxdb. Cron job takes last(accelerationZ) and formats a web page. I could serve the webpage from the raspberry pi and they could view it within their LAN. In order to see the status from elsewhere ( I don’t want to poke a hole in their firewall) pi ftps it up to an external domain.
Let me know you level of linux expertise and I’ll help you with more details if you want.