Ruuvi Station Android Wear OS tuki

Joskus on tullut sellaisia hetkiä vastaan, että kännykkä on kaukana ja haluaisi tarkistaa lämpötilalukemia Ruuvi Stationista. Ranteessa kulkee älykello (Samsung Watch), mutta siihen ei saa Ruuvi Stationia. Kello on kuitenkin kotona ollessa ranteessa enemmän kuin puhelin käden ulottuvilla, joten olisi kiva pystyä tarkistamaan lukemia sen avulla.

Olisiko mahdollista saada joku yksinkertaistettu versio Ruuvi Stationista Wear OS:lle? Ei tarvitstisi käyriä, riittäisi kun olisi samanlainen kuin Androidin widgetti. Näyttäisi valitut mittaustiedot valituista sensoreista. Kello voisi varmaan hakea lukemat kännykältä? Tai onhan kellossakin toki Bluetooth ja Internetyhteys (jos se on WLANissa kiinni tai kännykkä on Bluetooth etäisyydellä), joten miksipä ei suoraan antureilta tai pilvestä.

Ja kun nyt tässä toiveita esitän, niin pistetään samaan pakettiin Android Automotive tuki. Eli siis tämä autoja varten tehty Android versio. Voisi tarkistella kodin lämpötilalukemia tien päällä ilman kännykän räpläämistä. Voin tarjoutua betatestaajaksi Polestarini kanssa :grin:

I like the idea and I got Samsung watches with Wear OS. Let’s do it @lauri

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Idea is good but developing and maintaining a new app would be a pretty large project. A community-driven unofficial project would be gladly welcomed :thinking:

At least one unofficial watch project already exists:

It seems that the Garmin widget is open source, so that might help. I’ve been doing software development for 20+ years, but have no experience in mobile development. I’ve probably forgotten all my C++ as I’ve been working with C# for about 15 years, but if someone wants to organize a community project for this, I’ll be glad to help in anyway I can.

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Google translates as: There have been times when the cell phone is far away and you would like to check the temperature readings from the Ruuvi Station. A smart watch (Samsung Watch) is worn on the wrist, but Ruuvi Station is not included. However, when at home, the watch is on the wrist more than the phone is within reach, so it would be nice to be able to check the readings with it.

Would it be possible to get a simplified version of Ruuvi Station for Wear OS? You wouldn’t need curves, it would be enough if it were similar to the Android widget. Would show the selected measurement data from the selected sensors. I guess the watch could retrieve the readings from a mobile phone? Or, of course, the watch also has Bluetooth and Internet connection (if it is connected to WLAN or the mobile phone is within Bluetooth range), so why not directly from sensors or the cloud.

And now that I’m making wishes here, let’s put Android Automotive support in the same package. That is, this Android version made for cars. You could check the temperature readings at home on the go without fiddling with your cell phone. I can offer myself as a beta tester with my Polestar :grin: