Ruuvi Station Android updates

Alert notification is a little bit more informative now:

New Ruuvi Station Android version 1.7.2 is available for beta-testers via Google Play Store
What’s new:

  • Introducing home screen widgets for Ruuvi Gateway users

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New Ruuvi Station Android version 1.7.13 is available for beta-testers via Google Play Store
What’s new:

  • Charts improvements
  • Export CSV enhancements

thank you for your update but can you elaborate more what are actually changes?
Charts improvement? What improvements?
Export CSV enhancements? What enhancements?

Now we hide chart for pressure for example if current tag doesn’t have pressure sensor.

Also we’ve changed layout for horizontal phone orientation (it’s more similar to iOS charts).

For CSV export the bug was fixed when tag without pressure sensor was showing some small value in corresponding field instead of ‘-’. Also TX Power field added.

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New Ruuvi Station Android version 1.8.2 is available for beta-testers via Google Play Store
What’s new:

  • Chart timeline improvement (align timeline labels with dates and hours)
  • Bugfix

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Thanx, what was a bug, that you fixed?

Here is the list of fixed issues:

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New Ruuvi Station Android version 1.9.1 is available for beta-testers via Google Play Store
What’s new:

  • Hiding measurement and alarm settings for missing RuuviTag sensors (humidity or pressure)
  • Firmware update stability is increased
  • Firmware update instructions improved
  • Small UI fixes and enhancements

List of fixed issues:

New Ruuvi Station Android version 1.10.2 is available via Google Play Store
What’s new:

  • Onboarding and Sign in screens improvements
  • Battery status added to sensor settings screen

List of fixed issues:

New Ruuvi Station Android version 1.11.4 is available for beta-testers via Google Play Store
What’s new:

  • New type of widget was added

New Ruuvi Station Android version 1.12.11 is available for beta-testers via Google Play Store
What’s new:

  • Dark theme added
  • Added support for data forwarding during GATT sync

New Ruuvi Station Android version 1.13.5 is available for beta-testers via Google Play Store
What’s new:

  • Resolution settings added for temperature, humidity and pressure
  • CSV export unified with iOS app
  • Minor UI/UX improvements and fixes
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New Ruuvi Station Android version 1.14.8 is available for beta-testers via Google Play Store
What’s new:

  • Sensor alert settings redesign
  • Charts minor style changes
  • Background image cropping improved

New Ruuvi Station Android version 1.15.4 is available for beta-testers via Google Play Store
What’s new:

  • Improved charts design and user experience
  • Added ability to get exact value and time from chart point
  • Charts fonts increased for tablets
  • Sensor values rounding issue fixed

It appears the application does not fully work in my phone. I have Sailfish OS and thus BTLE does not work for Android applictions.

I have Ruuvi Station and have enabled Ruuvi Cloud so the application should get all data from cloud.

Seems like application expects something from BT before going to cloud.

Browser gets data fine from cloud.

Hi! I assume you own a Ruuvi Gateway and already have claimed your Tags since you can see data in browser. With Android phone you can get data from the Cloud with disabled Bluetooth. How does it look in your phone? At what part does it stuck? Did you try to enable Cloud Mode in application settings?

Yes, I have tags and gateway running fine. I see the data with browser fine with any device.

I have one Android device always at home. Ruuvi application is configured to use only Cloud data and shows all data even with Bluetooth and location disabled.

My sailfish phone has Ruuvi application with the same settings (no BT, Cloud enabled). I can see January 26. data but nothing after that. Otherwise the application works just fine.

Please try to sign off and then sign in again. Probably your token has expired and we are not showing proper message about it.

Thanks, that did the trick!
I probably installed the application when I didn’t have the Gateway yet, two years ago.

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