Google is discontinuing support for Android Nearby messages (!)

This is an important update.

If you’re still using your RuuviTag in URL mode, please update. We’ll also be adding a notification to about this.

Another reminder! On December 6th 2018, Google will stop delivering Android Nearby messages.

If you’re using your RuuviTags in URL mode (to receive Nearby notifications), please switch to RAW mode.

In the RAW mode, broadcasts can be received most conveniently using Ruuvi Station mobile application. On iOS, use an app named Core Beacons.

Note that by using the RAW mode, you’ll also receive sensor data in better resolution.

Updating instructions:

Note also that if you don’t mind to read your devices in low resolution, Ruuvi Station also supports the URL mode. So updating firmware is not mandatory but recommended.

Find full operation manuals of both RuuviTag and Ruuvi Station here:

You can still use nRFconnect, BLE scanner (BluePixelTech), blurfaro( (on IOS)

Please don’t take down .