In this project we (Centria University of Applied Sciences / R&D) created Ruuvitags scanner for Android devices (supporting OS version 4.4.2 and later). This application scans for beacons around that have Eddystone URL starting with “” and displays them on screen (with their sensor data). To scan beacons application uses alt-beacon library and is written entirely as native Android application.
We use this in research, to monitor environment within buildings and outside.
Application has following features:
Possibility scan beacons while app is running in background mode
Datalogging into graph view, all detected beacons and their data is logged to appropriate views for comparison
Sends beacon scan data to for other IoT platforms to use (like
We added possibility to send GPS location of the device with Ruuvitag sensor data to server. Also as data is sent to we modified logic so that device id is used when data is stored, this way its possible to access all data that comes from certain device. URL for data is and DEVICE_ID can be found from bottom screen of the application
Plus as extra we implemented Android Wear compatible user interface, large gauges that work well on smart watches.
@Motobiman@DiAleksi thanks for your feedback, I’m looking to update our this week, but currently I’m busy with other stuff.
In this app we are using data formats 1 & 2, we have applications that use data format 3 (sleep cycle monitor for Edison and cow activity monitor for Raspberry Pi) at some point we will integrate data format 3 to Android application too but thats not a priority now
Just verified that network connection is not need, does it crash after you press “Start scanning” or before that? Also did give all needed permissions to app?
Crashes immediately after scanning requested if beacons are nearby.
If No beacons are around the circle spins forever with or without background scan selected.
Permissions are:
Approx location network based
Precise location gps n network based
Activity recognition
Read google config
Full network access view connections
Access Bluetooth n pairing
Run at startup
Yes sir
Before update beacons running ruuvi weather app were detected and displayed but that was frollowing numerous crashed and restarted at intermittent intervals.
Just to let you know, FWIW, this works fine on Samsung S5 phone and Samsung Galaxy Tab S tablet. I am also looking for something to use for monitoring beehives and this seems like the perfect app and the update does make it much easier to see what is being displayed. What would be really useful, would be a way to link the mac addresses to a specific name tag so it showed the set name instead of the mac address, I also have three tags in an apiary so it would be useful to know which tags data I am seeing.