Where is the InfluxDB.db database file located in Raspbian/Ruuviberry???
Thanx in Advance,
Where is the InfluxDB.db database file located in Raspbian/Ruuviberry???
Thanx in Advance,
includes (something like):
[meta] dir = "/var/lib/influxdb/meta" [data] dir= ... wal-dir=...
Does that answer your question?
Or are you looking more for
“how does one get data from the database”?
In which case the answer would be more like :
curl --get 'http://ruuvipi:8086/query?' --connect-timeout 1 \
--data-urlencode "db=ruuvi" --data-urlencode \
"q=SELECT mac,last(temperature) FROM ruuvi_measurements where mac='DC4B596ED18B' tz('America/New_York') "
influx -precision rfc3339 -database ruuvi
select mac,ceil(temperature*9/5)+32 from ruuvi_measurements where time > now() -2m group by mac tz('America/New_York')
Can you explain the curl commands in detail. I’m a newbie to this. Do I need to know the mac address of the RuuviTag(s) involved? Also, I’m in the Chicago area…
cURL is a very generic utility.
Influxdb is implemented to accept http queries.
influx is a command line interface similar to SQL.
Although I have not used the ’ friendly names’ feature of RuuviCollector /home/pi/RuuviCollector/ruuvi-names.properties
suggests that you could use names instead of MAC addresses in influx select statements.
might be useful for you.
Please review the documentation I mentioned ( and perhaps the original versions) and let me know of addition clarification you need.
Ok, thanx.