Update of Raspi Linux the stops latest ruuvicollector dbbase updates

Just loaded the latest ruuvicollector from jan-2020 installed on my Raspi 3 and all worked fine.
Then I made apt update and apt upgrade coomands and the updates of data stopped updating to influx / grafana.
I have checked the bluetooth connection to tagā€™s with bluetoothctl scan command and can see that they are sending data. Using hcidump -t -x ā€¦ doesnā€™t show any data.
So donā€™t upgrade your Raspi linux ā€¦ before the issue is found :slight_smile:
This might have relation to Ruuvicollector stops Collecting data topic, but different reason.

If hcidump has been updated, you will need to repeat the commands:

sudo setcap ā€˜cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eipā€™ which hcitool
sudo setcap ā€˜cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eipā€™ which hcidump

Thanks, but not the reason. Found out that the ruuvi-collector doesnā€™t start on boot. If I start it manually all works OK. So the update spoils the ā€œautostartā€ of the java. Where and how it is done?

The automatic boot is done via systemd, details are at https://blog.ruuvi.com/rpi-gateway-6e4a5b676510?source=collection_home---2------12----------------------- under ā€œFinishing touchesā€

Hi Otso and thanks
I have done that and the service is active but doesnā€™t update the base.
If I run it from terminal as java program it updates the database. But not as service. Service status says active and all seems to be OKā€¦ The service script is the original and same as you referred to.

Data from collector

ruuvicollector.service - RuuviCollector Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ruuvicollector.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2020-04-13 16:44:01 EEST; 33min ago
Main PID: 487 (java)
Tasks: 14 (limit: 2200)
Memory: 53.5M
CGroup: /system.slice/ruuvicollector.service
ā”œā”€487 /usr/bin/java -jar /home/pi/RuuviCollector/ruuvi-collector-0.2.jar
ā””ā”€635 hcidump --raw

Apr 13 16:44:01 ruuvicollector systemd[1]: Started RuuviCollector Service.
Apr 13 16:44:06 ruuvicollector java[487]: 2020-04-13 16:44:06.717 DEBUG [Main] Starting scan with: [hcitool, lescan, --duplicates, --passive]
Apr 13 16:44:06 ruuvicollector java[487]: 2020-04-13 16:44:06.733 DEBUG [Main] Starting dump with: [hcidump, --raw]
Apr 13 16:44:06 ruuvicollector java[487]: 2020-04-13 16:44:06.747 INFO [Main] BLE listener started successfully, waiting for dataā€¦
Apr 13 16:44:06 ruuvicollector java[487]: If you donā€™t get any data, check that you are able to run ā€˜hcitool lescanā€™ and ā€˜hcidump --rawā€™ without issues
Apr 13 16:59:45 ruuvicollector java[487]: 2020-04-13 16:59:45.368 INFO [Main] Successfully reading data from hcidump

Java from terminal

pi@ruuvicollector:~ $ sudo java -jar /home/pi/RuuviCollector/ruuvi-collector-0.2.jar
2020-04-13 17:22:10.227 DEBUG [Main] Starting scan with: [hcitool, lescan, --duplicates, --passive]
2020-04-13 17:22:10.237 DEBUG [Main] Starting dump with: [hcidump, --raw]
2020-04-13 17:22:10.241 INFO [Main] BLE listener started successfully, waiting for dataā€¦
If you donā€™t get any data, check that you are able to run ā€˜hcitool lescanā€™ and ā€˜hcidump --rawā€™ without issues
2020-04-13 17:22:12.373 INFO [Main] Successfully reading data from hcidump

Found the difference when I run from terminal I use sudo. The service dosnā€™tā€¦
Linux SE is the reason and something changed on the updateā€¦ What, I donā€™t know yet.

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NOTE the hcidump in service has started when I started the APP from terminal as sudoā€¦ that seems to be the issue that service doesnā€™t have rights to run under the service?

You need to re-run these two commands:

sudo setcap 'cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip' `which hcitool`
sudo setcap 'cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip' `which hcidump`

after hcitool and/or hcidump have changed (ie. updated) to re-add the required capabilities for running them as a regular user (including services)

OK thanks, now it works. I must have made a typo earlier as the same commands did not have any efect.
Case closed, I know now what to do in future updates.
Actually I found the issue here. The hyphens were missing from which hcitool and which hcidump