Update firmware for weather ruuvi app

this firmware
is not compatible with the ruuvio app because it is configured in the espruino you can get the same result but making it compatible with the app of ruuvio?

I’m not sure if I understand the question.

The application made there depends on software radio Nordic Softdevice 6.1.0, whereas RuuviTags ship with Softdevice 3.1.0 to maintain compatibility with existing applications, including Espruino. If you have the DevKit you can flash the firmware on RuuviTag.

It’s also possible to create update package which updates RuuviTag from softdevice 3.1.0 to 6.1.0, but I won’t be distributing those for the time being. This is to prevent any bricked tags, we’ll revisit the decision once the firmware is out of alpha state.

Espruino is likewise built on softdevice 3.1.0 (or 3.0.0), and it’s entirely different firmware.
You can get most of the same functionality as In above blogpost by flashing version 2.2.2 to your RuuviTag.

My question is whether it is possible to make the firmware compatible with the accelerometer management on the app or not,
or if it will still be done at the exit of the firmware

Please clarify what do you mean?

I mean the version

of the firmware if it will ever be made compatible with the app or if you need to create one from scratch making it compatible with this type of firmware

Do you mean Ruuvi Station, RuuviCollector, ruuvitag-sensor and so on?
It’s already compatible, data is sent in RAWv2 format which is understood by Ruuvi Station app and community libraries

ok I’ll try again the process then because once the firmware has flasked the tag is no longer detected by the Ruuvi Station

Are you trying to upload the firmware from Jenkins on RuuviTag without updating the softdevice and bootloader? That would not work