Taustaskannausongelma (Android, OS12)

Thank you! Are those sensors that you can see on “Add sensor” screen are the same that already added and claimed?

Yes. There are no other Ruuvi tags in the range here and the old phone just next to the new one sees no tags there.

Ok. That’s something new. Can you reinstall the app to check if this bug is replicatable or it’s just a strange glitch?

Sure. Reinstalling didn’t help. All the sensors came back as configured when the app could hear them, but none of them saved history data.

However, I then figured out maybe I just should add them even if they were there already. So I did. For a short while, the sensor was there twice. App then noticed this after a while (the time varied) and now it actually updates the local data also. Did this for each sensor and now they all work.

So in conclusion: in this case, even if the sensor information, settings and background images came from server, they each had to be readded manually to save heard data locally.

Also shared (privately) video of adding a “new” sensor and app figuring out it’s already there.

Thanks! It’s a very strange behaviour. We had no intention to make users manually add sensors synced from the cloud. We’ve tested signing in to the cloud many times and no additional actions were needed. We’ll test again the case for user without Gateway.

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