Setting graph scale in Station Home screen


It would be nice to be able to set minimum and maximum values of the graphs visible in the Ruuvi Station home screen. This would help comparing different sensors values. Let’s say I have some sensors in several rooms that are supposed to be about same temperature. I’d set minimum graph to 19C and maximum 24C, then I’d quickly see if one room is hotter/colder than others. Or l’d see if the curve is approaching alert limits.

Just a small usability suggestion.

Or is this already possible?

Thank you for awesome products.

Thanks for the suggestion @HenriP

We have been discussing similar ideas internally, such as target values in app, but this is not yet on the roadmap.

We actually launched a Compare Sensors feature just this week. It requires a Ruuvi Gateway router and Ruuvi Cloud subscription. We are looking into possibility to bring it to mobile apps too.

Thank you, that compare feature is very nice.

To the original question, sometimes web page Ruuvi Station home view sets graph min-max so that only one tick is visible, so understanding the scale is difficult. Mostly just nitpicking, but would be a nice feature, as you wrote.

Thanks for this @HenriP we will see how we can improve this :slight_smile: