RuuviTag-anturi ja Android appi eivät synkronoidu

RuuviTag-anturi ei osaa enää siirtää mittaustietoja Android appille. Aiemmin toimi normaalisti.

Nyt Android appissa näkyy nämä vaiheet “Sync”-painikkeen painamisen jälkeen:

“Reading History” mutta tässä kohtaa ei tule mittauslukemia vaan tapahtuma keskeytyy.

Miten synkronoinnin saisi toimimaan?

What is the version of app and can you check FW version of the tag (can be found in sensor settings in latest version of the app)?

google translates as:
The Ruuvi sensor can no longer transfer measurement data to the Android app. Previously, it worked normally.

Now the Android App shows these steps after pressing the “Sync” button:

“Reading History” but at this point there will be no readings and the event will be interrupted.

How do I make sync work?

Denis replied
What is the version of app and can you check FW version of the tag (can be found in sensor settings in latest version of the app)?

Hi Denis!

RuuviTag sensor firmware version is “Ruuvi FW v3.30.2+default”.

This sync issue was faced originally with 1.5.39 Ruuvi Station Android app version. The app was updated to 1.8.3 but still sync issue is present.

Please update sensor FW to the latest version. Versions prior to 3.30.4 had issue when over some time it stops recording history. Update is possible from sensor setting.

I pressed sensor button 10 seconds until led showed red color. Once red appeared I selected “Start Update” in Ruuvi Station Android app.

Sensor update was completed successfully and I can see “Ruuvi FW v3.31.1+default” under “Sensor Settings”.

I tested “Sync” again but unfortunately the cycle remains the same:

“Reading History” but at this point there will be no readings and the event will be interrupted.

What to do next?

At this stage you got empty history inside sensor. Try again to sync tomorrow. You should have full history in 10 days.


I synced it again and now fresh measurements appeared to Ruuvi Station app. It works. Thank you for your support!