Ruuvitag + android = etämittauspiste

Tuossa kuutioin tuollaista ideaa että pelkkä anturi jossain korvessa on hiukka hankala lukea etänä ja vaatii sen nettirajapinnan + laitteistoa enempi, mutta miten jos käyttäisi vanhaa kännykkää tai vst. siihen että se toimisi yhteyspisteenä ja tämä lähettää pilveen/palveluun tagin lähettämää dataa? Joko niin että se toimii pilven välityksellä käyttäjälle suoraan tai niin että palvelu on pilvessä johon tämä sovellus lähettää anturien dataa.

Onko tällaista olemassa ja jos ei niin olisikohan tuossa ideaa?

Hey! You might want to check Data Forwarding Settings in Ruuvi Station Android if I understood correctly.

Althrouth it may be more reliable to use Ruuvi Gateway plus some 4g modem.

This is something I have been trying to do for some time now. But I can’t find instructions how I could parse RuuviStation message in my web-server. It would be much appreciated if someone knows where to find instructions to do this.

My sauna is downstairs and because walls are so thick my RuuviGateway can’t read my TAG in there. I have old huawei 6 android phone which I could locate near sauna. Then I could use RuuviStation data forwarding feature to send temperature to my web-server. This works fine, I have tested it with “” service. I’m sure it would also work if I reroute these messages to my own web-server, I just don’t know how to parse those messages in there.

I’m pretty sure this is easy task for someone who knows how to use PHP or Python to do this. Sadly I’m not that person.

Google translate says…In that cube, the idea that a mere sensor in a desert is a bit awkward to read remotely and requires more of its web interface + hardware, but what if you used an old cell phone or something. that it would act as a contact point and this would send the data sent by the tag to the cloud / service? Either so that it works via the cloud directly to the user or so that the service is in the cloud to which this application sends sensor data.

Is there such a thing, and if not, would there be an idea?

Are you looking for something like this:

Packet details are available at

If there is electricty available I could use RasberryPi with Node-Red and then WLAN box with cellular 3G moden, then you can easily configure it to send any packets/data you need