Thanks for the feedback. I’ve released a new version with the ability to limit the update interval for each sink separately. I also did a few improvements in logging, but in general logging will be improved over time as the code structure “stabilizes” and I figure out useful things to log.
A bluetooth source is a bit tricky, as it’s totally platform dependent (depends on the OS, the bluetooth stack used, and in some cases even the bluetooth hardware) and I’d like to keep RuuviBridge as platform-agnostic as possible to allow running it on (almost) any OS.
However I do plan on adding support for some lightweight “3rd party software gateway” implementations, or possibly even implement my own if I can’t find any feasible ones. Requirements being lightweight and publishing the raw, unparsed data like the Ruuvi Gateway does.
Actually… I figured a software replica of the Gateway would be rather easy to implement, since it would be just forwarding the raw data without needing to parse it or do any other complicated logic, so I went ahead and created ruuvi-go-gateway