Ruuvi temp probe

Create a new Ruuvi temperature sensor that can be used in outdoor and high temp environments, such as attaching to an engine to monitor coolant temperature. There may be some advantage to having a separate probe wired to a transmitter box, so that the probe can be inserted into a small space with higher temps but the box can be located elsewhere so the case doesn’t melt. Still needs to be waterproof though so it can live in an engine compartment for example.

Hi @Scott_Griepentrog , thanks for your suggestion.

We have an external temperature sensor product coming soon packaged as RuuviTag Pro + TMP117 External sensor, it will feature a wired sensor that has an extended temperature operating range. Unfortunately the launch has been delayed due to manufacturing issue.

More info can be found here: Lisä lämpötila/kosteus anturi - #17 by lauri