Ruuvi Gateway firmware updates

We are delighted to announce the release of Ruuvi Gateway Firmware v1.13.1. This latest version includes several new features, enhancements, and bug fixes aimed at providing a superior user experience.

New Features:

  1. mDNS service implementation for resolving the Gateway hostname as “RuuviGatewayXXXX.local”
  2. Enhanced LED indication (Refer to the documentation: GW ESP32 LED - docs)
  3. MQTT: Option to disable Retain flag
  4. Introduction of a write-bearer token for secure API-based configuration saving
  5. Inclusion of reset reason and additional debug information in HTTP statistics
  6. Renaming of configuration WiFi hotspot to “Configure Ruuvi Gateway XXXX” to be more intuitive
  7. Configuration Wizard improvements:
    a. “Show password” icon added to all password fields
    b. Alphabetical sorting and increased maximum display limit for WiFi networks
    c. Backend check and validation
    d. Display of nRF52 firmware version

Minor Enhancements:

  1. Restriction of LAN access during WiFi hotspot activation
  2. Bundle update for CA Root Certificates
  3. Replacement of “ESP HTTP Client” with “Ruuvi HTTP Client” for HTTP/Websocket client
  4. Reproducible build implementation
  5. Configuration Wizard refinements:
    a. Access settings page: API-key disabling when “Remote configurable without a password” option is selected
    b. Prevention of unnecessary Wi-Fi list page refresh if no changes are detected
    c. Redesign of certain pages, along with language corrections and other refinements

Bug Fixes:

  1. Elimination of false task watchdog triggering
  2. Resolution of static IP configuration loss after downloading an empty configuration from a remote server
  3. Prevention of network watchdog activation in the absence of nearby Ruuvi sensors
  4. Addressing memory insufficiency during software update checks with active MQTT over SSL
  5. Configuration Wizard: Fix: Static Ethernet IP address does not work unless all fields are specified

We invite our esteemed beta testers to begin testing the Ruuvi Gateway Firmware v1.13.1. Your valuable feedback will help us enhance the user experience and ensure the firmware is well-optimised before the final release. We appreciate your continued support and contributions to the Ruuvi Gateway project. If you would like to participate in beta testing, you can enable receiving updates immediately after their release in the Configuration Wizard on the Automatic Updates page. For more information, please refer to the documentation: Automatic updates - docs


:tada: Ruuvi Gateway Firmware v1.14.1 Release Announcement :tada:

We’re thrilled to announce the release of Ruuvi Gateway Firmware v1.14.1, packed with new features, enhancements, and crucial bug fixes. Here’s a quick overview of what’s new:

New Features:

  • Simultaneous support for two HTTP targets (Ruuvi Cloud and custom HTTP server).
  • Ability to decode Ruuvi data formats 5 with the “/history” API endpoint.
  • Implementation of blacklist/whitelist filtering by sensor MAC address.
  • Enhanced SSL certificate handling for custom HTTP and MQTT.
  • Firmware update source changed from GitHub to Ruuvi server.

Minor Enhancements:

  • Improvements to stack usage, data resending, UI refinements, and more.

Bug Fixes:

  • Numerous fixes including connection timeouts, memory leaks, and handling of various network errors.

Explore the full details of this release Release v1.14.1 · ruuvi/ruuvi.gateway_esp.c · GitHub.

This update continues our commitment to making Ruuvi Gateway the most robust and user-friendly platform. Your feedback is crucial for us, so please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts or report any issues.

Happy updating!


:tada: Ruuvi Gateway Firmware v1.14.2 Release Announcement :tada:

We are excited to announce the release of the Ruuvi Gateway Firmware v1.14.2 hotfix. This bug-fix release addresses a small number of bugs that could cause occasional reboots. We’ve taken these reports seriously and have made the necessary rectifications.

List of Changes:

  • Bug fixes:
    • Gateway reset by panic caused by wifi library on software reboot.
    • Stack overflow in MQTT.
    • Stack overflow in task adv_post_task.
    • Reduced frequent log messages stating “Can’t send advs, the time is not yet synchronized”.
    • Corrected the LED notification behavior for custom HTTP target regarding network connection issues.

This update is currently available to our dedicated beta-testers. We thank you for your invaluable feedback that helps us make improvements. Regular customers can expect access to this update soon.


Ruuvi Gateway Firmware v1.14.3

We are pleased to share the release of the Ruuvi Gateway Firmware v1.14.3. This forthcoming bug-fix release is aimed at resolving specific issues, enhancing the stability and functionality of our firmware.

What’s Changed:

  • Fixed the stack overflow during the establishment of SSL connections with specific HTTPS servers.
  • Resolved task watchdog triggers for various threads during an SSL connection establishment with specific HTTPS servers.
  • Fixed rare stack overflow in the TCPIP thread (“tiT”).

Release of Ruuvi Gateway Firmware v1.15.0

We are thrilled to announce the latest update to our firmware, Ruuvi Gateway Firmware v1.15.0.
This version introduces a host of new features, improvements, and fixes designed to enhance your
experience and the device’s performance.

What’s New in v1.15.0:

New Features:

  • Enhanced Security: Introducing TLS v1.3 support for HTTPS and MQTTS connections.
  • Efficiency Improvements: Support for TLS session tickets, enabling quicker HTTPS
    connections by resuming TLS sessions and reducing the overhead of establishing new HTTPS
  • Wi-Fi Configuration Made Easy: With WPS support, connect your gateway to Wi-Fi networks effortlessly.
  • Advanced Data Handling: Optional decoding of DF5 data format, configurable data sending intervals, and periodic MQTT data sending options.
  • Customization: Configure a custom firmware update server for tailored updates.


  • UI enhancements for a smoother user experience.
  • Updated CA Root Certificates bundle for improved security.
  • Enhanced brute force attack protection with a delay before responding to authentication requests.
  • MQTT updates: default QoS set to 0 to reduce message buffering.
  • Use Ruuvi Time Server ( as a last option

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolved Task Watchdog Issues: Addressed multiple instances leading to task watchdog triggers, enhancing system stability.
  • Memory Leak Detection: Fixed gateway reboots caused by erroneous detection of memory leaks, improving system reliability.
  • LED Behavior Corrections: Fixed various issues resulting in LED misbehavior, ensuring accurate status indication.
  • Fixed incorrect handling of invalid URLs: Refined URL handling on the Software Update and
    Automatic Configuration Download pages.
  • Wi-Fi Connectivity and Configuration: Addressed several Wi-Fi connectivity issues and improved the reliability of configuration saving.
  • Ethernet Static IP Configuration: Addressed the issue with setting static IP configuration for Ethernet connections, ensuring network settings are correctly applied.
  • Gateway Configuration and Communication: Corrected errors affecting gateway configuration, message throttling responses, and streamlined event handling.
  • Nginx Proxy Manager Configuration: Resolved issues related to gateway configuration via Nginx proxy manager, ensuring smoother operation through proxies.
  • Network Stability Improvements: Fixed gateway reboots triggered by slow network conditions or MQTT server outages, enhancing connectivity stability.
  • Configure Button Press Event Handling: Resolved a rare issue where the inability to reset settings was due to lost Configure button press events, ensuring reliable device reset capabilities.

Beta Testers Wanted:

We invite our esteemed beta testers to explore Ruuvi Gateway Firmware v1.15.0. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us refine the firmware for an optimal release. If you’re interested in beta testing and contributing to the Ruuvi Gateway project, please enable automatic updates in the Configuration Wizard to receive the latest updates immediately.

For detailed instructions and more information, visit our documentation on Automatic Updates and Beta Testing.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement with Ruuvi products. We’re excited to hear your feedback on this latest firmware update!

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Hi @Alexey ,

Great to see all the new features in 1.15.0! I am excited to give it a whirl.
Does anyone else experience ESP_ERR_MBEDTLS_SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED when connecting to Azure IoT Hub? This does not happen on 1.14.3


Hi @jeetland,
I tested the Gateway firmware v1.15.0 to use MQTT with Azure IoT Hub and found no issues.
I configured the Client on the server side to use self-signed certificate by enabling “Thumbprint Match” Validation scheme:

And here is the gateway configuration:

Don’t forget to fill MQTT “Username” on the gateway, it should be equal to “Client Authentication Name” parameter on the cloud.

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