Ruuvi Gateway ... 3 Month Usage ... First impressions

Hello Forum,

First: A big thank you to the developers behind that cool piece of software and hardware.

I’m using the gateway now for 3 month and I have some questions / feedback.

  • Firmware Update
    Looks like the current firmware (stable) is still 1.8.2. Because if I manually upgrade to 1.9.1 the web gui tells me, the most recent version is the older one

  • Stability
    1.8.2 is rock stable … 1.9.1: not really did some tests this weekend, after 30 mins the gateway crashed in the leds where in quick green/orange blinking mode which means the gateway is in setup mode.

  • LEDs (Question)
    Is there some description about the meaning of blinking colors and speeds

  • Cloud + MQTT (Version 1.9.1)
    When you switch from cloud to other options you get http + mqtt … http as default seems to have the right url to upload the data to the ruuvi api and additionally you can send the data to a mqtt server

  • Updates (Question)
    In the update dialog you can select that you can get beta version … but it looks like right now versions > 1.8.2 are not beta versions. Will it be written on the github page if a new release is a beta version?

  • WebUI (Question)
    In future version is it planed, that you directly can go to software update dialog or mqtt / https setting so that you don’t have to click through the whole setup wizard every time?

Thanks for any feedback.

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Hello and thank you for the comments.

Yes, release marked as “release” is considered as the last. Prereleases do not count.

Things like that are why 1.8.2 is the latest release :slight_smile:, but it has to be updated.

Versions are considered beta for 2 weeks after release, and full roll-out starts after that. Prereleases do not count as beta releases, as we’re running manual tests on them. If they work flawlessly we promote them to a release.

Not right now, the setup is pretty brief and it’s easier to test one configuration flow than various combinations.

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