Ruuvi-collector.service stopped collecting data after package update

I updated my RPi3B+ by doing sudo apt update and sudo apt full-upgrade. As a result, the collector went a bit bonkers and wouldn’t start at all because something went missing. I installed things according to the blog post which demonstrated creating the system.

Everything seems to be working, the service runs just fine upon reboot. However, it will not collect any data.

● ruuvicollector.service - RuuviCollector Service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ruuvicollector.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2020-09-03 20:59:55 EEST; 34min ago
Main PID: 473 (java)
Tasks: 14 (limit: 2065)
CGroup: /system.slice/ruuvicollector.service
├─473 /usr/bin/java -jar /home/pi/RuuviCollector/ruuvi-collector-0.2.jar
└─709 hcidump --raw

Sep 03 20:59:55 ruuvicollector systemd[1]: Started RuuviCollector Service.
Sep 03 21:00:01 ruuvicollector java[473]: 2020-09-03 21:00:01.858 DEBUG [Config] Tag names: /home/pi/RuuviCollector/
Sep 03 21:00:01 ruuvicollector java[473]: 2020-09-03 21:00:01.897 DEBUG [Config] Config: /home/pi/RuuviCollector/
Sep 03 21:00:02 ruuvicollector java[473]: 2020-09-03 21:00:02.417 DEBUG [Main] Starting scan with: [hcitool, lescan, --duplicates, --passive]
Sep 03 21:00:02 ruuvicollector java[473]: 2020-09-03 21:00:02.441 DEBUG [Main] Starting dump with: [hcidump, --raw]
Sep 03 21:00:02 ruuvicollector java[473]: 2020-09-03 21:00:02.486 INFO [Main] BLE listener started successfully, waiting for data…
Sep 03 21:00:02 ruuvicollector java[473]: If you don’t get any data, check that you are able to run ‘hcitool lescan’ and ‘hcidump --raw’ without issues
Sep 03 21:01:02 ruuvicollector java[473]: 2020-09-03 21:01:02.482 INFO [Main] Successfully reading data from hcidump

If I now run hcitool lescan in terminal, data collection starts immediately.

If I close the ssh connection and open a new one, hcitool lescan gives me an error: Set scan parameters failed: Input/output error.

Can anyone give me some advice?

It suddenly started working after launching sudo systemctl enable ruuvicollector.service one more time in terminal. After reboot, still collecting data. A really weird thing because the service was already enabled and running.

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Thanks for sharing, now we know what to do if RuuviCollector breaks after update :slight_smile:

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TLDR - I had to change the service user to root

I have an RPi Zero W running Ruuvi-collector, Influxdb and Grafana with 10 Ruuvitags spread around my house. After moving the RPi to a better location it has been running flawlessly (for my purposes - I’m only grabbing a reading every 5 minutes) for several months.

On Saturday night I decided to do an apt upgrade-full and all was fine (or so I thought) but clearly I forgot to check my dashboard after the reboot until the early hours of this morning to find I had a similar issue to the op. Nothing had been logged since Saturday’s reboot.

Unfortunately the fix above didn’t work for me.

It took a little while to troubleshoot (partly because I was doing it from my phone using ConnectBot) but after working fine for months it seems that the Pi user that was running the service was no longer allowed to collect the data.

If I ran the command as sudo from an SSH session:

sudo /bin/java -jar /home/pi/RuuviCollector/

It was fine, if I ran it as the service I wouldn’t get the message:

Successfully reading data from hcidump

After a bit of Googling I edited my ruuvi-collector.service file and changed the user to root.

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ruuvi-collector.service


sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Started the Ruuvi-collector service and everything was working again.

It’s odd that a user that did have enough rights to run something then had those removed as part of an update, but I’m pleased that I got it working again and only lost about 32 hours of readings.


As it happens, I also upgraded the system over the weekend and the measurements stopped. I think it may have something to do with one of those bluetooth packages which were also updated this time.

I don’t know what finally made it work, running hcitool lescan or running the .jar package manually worked and got the measurements to the database but after a reboot, nothing would happen.

I just used systemctl to stop, start, disable and enable the ruuvicollector.service many times and at some point, things started working. I’ll have to test your method the next time I have this issue.

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I have same configuration as Ian.

What prompted you guys to upgrade?

Do you now have a newer grafana?

Did you
setcap ‘cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip’ which hcidump
setcap ‘cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip’ which hcitool

Yes, tried those too but they didn’t help.

I run the upgrade every now and then as a security measure. Grafana and InfluxDB actually run on my PC, I use RPi just to talk to the tags and collect data, then send it over the network to the database.

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I didn’t try those commands that you mentioned, so I don’t know if they would have helped.

Puuteknikko seemed to not have any luck with them.

It was useful to know that I wasn’t the only one caught out by this. I too suspected one of the Bluetooth packages.

Just like Puuteknikko I do updates occasionally for security reasons mainly, although this isn’t technically necessary as my Pi isn’t accessible from the internet (I don’t publish anything externally). So I guess this may be one of those situations where if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.

Amusingly my main task on Saturday was to create a Test Debian VM on my PC which is as similar to the Pi as possible, so that I could test backing up and restoring the databases for InfluxDB and Grafana. Updating the Pi was just an after thought while I was logged in.

I am planning to see if Grafana 8 will break any of my dashboards and will upgrade to that if it works.

I know this is a pretty old thread, but I figured I’d comment. I also had grafana running and randomly it stopped collecting the data after an update. I don’t know which update as I did a “set and forget” setup. When I rebooted it wasn’t collecting data, so I manually ran hcitool lescan (as root) and it returned data as expected and noticed the collector started going again, so I forgot about it for a while. My battery went out on one of my devices and roughly around the same time(coincidence), my service stopped collecting data again, but from all 3 tags, not just the one with the battery change. I tested the hcitool and hcidump and both are not running properly from the pi user. I added pi to the bluetooth group and still nothing. I didn’t want to spend too much time troubleshooting it, so I updated the service script to run as root instead of pi and I also now see the ‘Successfully reading data from hcidump’ and grafana showed the data immediately. This is a raspberry pi not running anything critical, so I’m not opposed to having root run a java application.

hcitool and hcidump require additional capabilities:

Have you :

sudo setcap 'cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip' `which hcitool` 
sudo setcap 'cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip' `which hcidump`

That doesn’t help in my case, nothing happens even if they have been run.

I just updated the RPi and the same issue once again. This is the ruuvicollector.service file in /etc/systemd/system:

Description=RuuviCollector Service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar /home/pi/RuuviCollector/ruuvi-collector-0.2.jar

I can make things work again by running sudo systemctl stop ruuvicollector.service and sudo systemctl start ruuvicollector.service. After this the system survives a reboot as well.

lyghtkruz said" I tested the hcitool and hcidump and both are not running properly from the pi user." The setcap should fix that.
What did you upgrade RPi from ?? to??

What Model RPi do you have?

First I would add
to /lib/systemd/system/ruuvicollector.service to prevent rapid restart upon failure .

I have had better luck with a script starting RuuviCollector which waits for influxd to be ready.

changing the

#                           sudo systemctl start ruuvicollector  
cd "${0%/*}"; pwd
logger -p daemon.notice " ++ /lib/systemd/system/ruuvicollector.service:ExecStart=/home/pi/RuuviCollector/RuuviCollector pwd=$PWD"
#                               Restart=always;RestartSec=300. <- This causes systemd to restart this script incase it fails so ...
# To disable RuuviCollector:  edit this script:  change  echo and logger to say NOT start and uncomment out the exit 0
#                             then  sudo systemctl stop ruuvicollector 
echo                      ++ Did start /home/pi/RuuviCollector/RuuviCollector
logger -p daemon.notice " ++ Did start /home/pi/RuuviCollector/RuuviCollector"
##exit 0

########### Wait until influxdb is ready by issuing a simple select  #####################
for(( i=1; i<30; i++ )) # wait  19+5 * 30  = 12 minutes  before giving up 
# It may take 27 seconds if influxdb is running #  1/14/19 on Raspberry Pi Zero took 11 minutes before influx was ready accept a connection
# It takes 19 seconds to timeout if influxdb is not even running  

if [ $rc -eq 0 ] ; then logger --priority "++ ruuvicollector: influxdb now accepting transactions"; break; # loop and go
     else               logger --priority "++ ruuvicollector waited for influxdb $i times, rc=$rc and still waiting"
                        sleep 5

if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then  logger --priority daemon.emerg "++ ruuvicollector gave up waiting for influxdb"; exit $rc; fi
#  Since  sudo systemctl stop ruuvicollector issues  TERM ; trap that here to generate log entry
trap 'logger --priority daemon.alert " ++ /home/pi/RuuviCollector got sig TERM" ;exit 15' TERM # will exit with x'80' + 15 i.e.143
trap 'logger --priority daemon.emerg " ++ /home/pi/RuuviCollector got sig QUIT" ;exit  3' QUIT

java -jar target/ruuvi-collector-0.2.5.jar
logger -p daemon.notice " ++ /home/pi/RuuviCollector/RuuviCollector exited with rc=$rc"
exit $rc

As you can see I’m seriously into logger. I route most of syslog to a common server in addition to /var/log.


#it's the return code we're interested in
echo "select  last(temperature) from ruuvi_measurements tz('America/New_York')" | influx -database ruuvi   -precision rfc3339

PS did you add