Nrf connect and disconnecting


I have one original ruuvi tag from kickstsrter campaign. It had an very old firmware, and I tried to update it wit nrf connect.
As I started the update disconnect happened. Sometimed it got stuck loading the firmware but nothing happened.

I managed to install newer firmware from ruuvi station app.

I was just wondering, if I want to change to long lasting firmware, will nrf connect still fail to upload the firmware?

I already tried several mobile devices (two androids, one apple ipad)

Any suggestion?

Hi @Jabone , maybe @otso has ideas about what to do in nRF Connect app in this case.

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If you have managed to update to 3.X firmware, you should be good to go with nRF connect. Early kickstarter units had a different bootloader which caused some issues, but update to 3.X updates the bootloader as well.

If the firmware does not update to 3.X, you can try uploading for a long life version, but there is a chance that the upload won’t go through. If that update does not go through, the tag will be stuck in bootloader until something new is uploaded, which effectively bricks the tag if original bootloader does not work.