Measuring temperature, humidity, pressure and air pollution with a Raspberry Pi, RuuviTags, PMS7003 and Java

In a quest to build an air quality monitoring solution for my home, I focused first on measuring particulate matter in the air. I used a Raspberry Pi and a Plantower PMS7003 sensor because it seems to be more accurate than other low-cost PM sensors.

The next step was to add temperature, humidity and pressure sensors to my project. I wanted something wireless, so I can put the sensors anywhere and use the Raspberry Pi to collect the data. RuuviTags came to be a perfect solution. I decided not to use available utilities like a RuuviCollector (or hcitool and hcidump), but to write something myself in Java, with the help of Bluewalker BLE scanner library.

In the following article, I share the details and the working code.


Thanks for sharing :sunglasses: Just tweeted about this: