Influxdb not receiving ruuvi data

Hi guys, I am trying to write ruuvi data to influx to prove a use case in the Volatile Gas inudstry.

I am using this to post in influx:

Test curl command:

Database is visible by the python code (added some debuggind code):

Data is being posted by code:

Influx is also receving successful Post connections:

But when I query ruuvi db in influx, it’s empty.

Am I missing anything? Not sure why my db is empty.
It looks like everything should just work… But I’m unsure. Am I missing anything?


The last select should probably be SELECT * FROM ruuvi_measurements, database name is “ruuvi” and table name is “ruuvi_measurements” by default in the ruuvitag-sensor library if I remember correctly.

InfluxDB not receiving data. I’ve recently had to reinstall HA on my RasPi because the SDCard broke down, so I installed on Raspbian.

Thank you - I totally somehow missed this.
It all works now.

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I’ve recently had to reinstall HA on my RasPi because the SDCard broke down..

How old was SD? what brand?