Get historic values from sensor using bluetooth

As we know RuuviCollector is able to read messages from the ruuvitag using ble. Anyway, Ruuvi Station mobile app can read the historical values from the tag. Is it possible to read those historical values from the sensor by using bluetooth or is this somekind of propiertary functionality? I have raspberry pi 3, ruuvicollector and influx and i would like to fix holes in influx data because of ie. raspberry pi outage or maintenance.

Hi @VilleV ,

The measurements stored in RuuviTag internal memory can be read using a BLE GATT Connection, more information can be found here.

@Scrin is the developer for RuuviCollector, maybe he has some insight to provide you regarding RuuviCollector functionality.

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RuuviCollector works in a passive, receive-only way in regards to BLE communication, which means reading the history from the tags using BLE GATT (which requires communicating to the tag) would require too significant changes in RuuviCollector design to make sense.

A separate tool used for “repairing holes” in RuuviCollector data would make more sense, but I’m not aware of any tools that would currently do that in a compatible way.

If you or someone else intend to create such tool that would be compatible with existing RuuviCollector data (and thus compatible with RuuviBridge as well), I recommend taking a look at the measurements documentation of RuuviCollector regarding the units (some units are “converted”, for example the tags techincally report battery voltage in mV while RuuviCollector stores the voltage values in V). Also if you use the extended/calculated values, the implementations/formulas for the calculations can be found here for RuuviCollector and here for RuuviBridge (the formulas are the same, the programming language just differs)


The communication is documented at Read logged history | docs, I know few groups have made implementations for reading the history data with their own devices but those are not open source as far as I recall