We use our Sharepoint intranet as a landing page to start new work day. I would love to see in one, quick, view daily calendar, weather, pending cases and issues PLUS Ruuvitags newest data. This landing page is like a Dashboard for all basic routines.
Is there a way to simply embed Ruuvi Gateway browser or single tags on intranet? Gateway works just fine, but now it is needed to log in separately.
For now it would be just enough to know is it possible to embed Ruuvi gateway as html code on intranet.
Naturally intranet is a private system, like each Ruuvi tag data in browser. I was thinking that it could be implemented to external system with no-programming skills… I am an excited newbie
I don’t have any experience with Sharepoint so I don’t know what the best way to do it would be.
But it sounds like you’d like a small widget on a webpage that fetches data locally from the Ruuvi Gateway?
If so, while it’s definitely possible to make, but it would require some experience with html/javascript to put it together.
I think widget might be too great. But yes, data is would be fetched from Gateway.
Sometimes embedding a certain weblink is just copy-paste and source is shown. In some cases it is needed to have IFRAME code.
Short note in Sharepoint says: “Display content from a secure website by pasting the web address of the site below. If that doesn’t work, try pasting the embed code from the site instead. Embed code must be iframe-based. Script tags are not supported.
You can also connect to a list or library to dynamically change your embed code by selecting the ellipses (…) and Connect to source.”
I have added a link from Fintraffic to show traffic flow and electric car loading stations just giving direct link and it’s shown on Intranet.