We have received reports from multiple Android users that OS 13 update breaks Bluetooth connectivity, including connections to RuuviTags.
Typical symptoms include breaking connections to Bluetooth-headphones, difficulties to connect to Android Auto and unreliable connections to other Bluetooth devices.
Example bug thread in Samsung forums:
We currently suggest users to try to change the Bluetooth AVRCP version to 1.4 in Android developer settings, but have yet to hear back from our users if this fixes the problem.
Go to the settings menu and click “About phone” → software information
Scroll down to the bottom where you see “Build number”
Tap it seven (7) times. Android developer settings are now enabled.
Go to the settings menu again and click Settings->Developer options->Bluetooth AVRCP version.
select which Bluetooth AVRCP Version you want such as AVRCP 1.4 from the previous response.
Our developers are also looking if we are able to make any improvements on our side but at this time issue seems to lie on the operating system side.
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Lisäksi voivat kokeilla nollata asetukset valitsemalla asetukset - yleinen hallinta - palauta nollaa kaikki asetukset ja verkkoasetukset ja uudelleen käynnistä laite (toimenpide ei poista tiedostoja kuten kuvia ja videoita yms.)
Ja jos ongelma jatkuu, voi ottaa varmuuskopiot talteen ja palauttaa tehdasasetukset, jotta mahdolliset ohjelmistohäiriöt poistuisivat.
Samsung is also asking to send feedback using:
I would also suggest you to report the issues through Members app, choose Support → Send feedback → Error reports
Samsung pyytää lähettämään vikaraportteja tätä kautta:
I would also suggest you to report the issues through Members app, choose Support → Send feedback → Error reports
Samsung has released a new software version to Samsung A53 (region Finland), 1st of July 2023, A536BXXS7C2G2 and this fixed the Bluetooth range issues with RuuviTag sensors. Main fix in this software update was Bluetooth connection and stability.
Päivityksen jälkeen kantama on taas “normaali”.