Arduino ongelma

Eli tilasin robottiautosetin sivuilta
Kasasin auton ja kopion koodin tekstitiedostosta ohjelmaan. Kun alan kääntämään koodia tulee virheilmoituksia…

xception in thread “Thread-14” java.lang.StackOverflowError
at java.util.regex.Pattern$Loop.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupTail.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$BranchConn.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$CharProperty.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$Branch.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupHead.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$Loop.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupTail.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$BranchConn.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$CharProperty.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$Branch.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupHead.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$Loop.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$GroupTail.match(Unknown Source)
at java.util.regex.Pattern$BranchConn.match(Unknown Source)

Osaako kukaan neuvoa tämmöstä aloiteelijaa, että missäköhän vika voisi olla. Laitan alle vielä koodin…

# Include <IRremote.h>
# Include <Servo.h>
/ / *********************** Defined motor pin ********************* ****
int MotorRight1 = 5;
int MotorRight2 = 6;
int MotorLeft1 = 10;
int MotorLeft2 = 11;
int counter = 0;
const int irReceiverPin = 2; / / OUTPUT signal of the infrared receiver is connected to the pin 2

/ / *********************** Set detected IRcode ****************** *******
long IRfront = 0x00FFA25D; / / forward code
long IRback = 0x00FF629D; / / Back
long IRturnright = 0x00FFC23D; / / turn right
long IRturnleft = 0x00FF02FD; / / turn left
long IRstop = 0x00FFE21D; / / Stop
long IRcny70 = 0x00FFA857; / / CNY70 self-propelled mode
long IRAutorun = 0x00FF906F; / / ultrasound self-propelled mode
long IRturnsmallleft = 0x00FF22DD;
/ / ************************* Defined CNY70 pin ******************* *****************
const int SensorLeft = 7; / / left sensor input pin
const int SensorMiddle = 4; / / the Sensor input pin in
const int SensorRight = 3; / / right sensor input pin
int SL; / / left sensor status
int SM; / / in the sensor state
int SR; / / right sensor status
IRrecv irrecv (irReceiverPin); / / the definition IRrecv object to receive infrared signals
decode_results results; / / decoding results on decode_results structure result variable
/ / ************************* Definition ultrasound pin ****************** ************
int inputPin = 13; / / define the ultrasound signal reception pin rx
int outputPin = 12; / / define the ultrasonic signal transmitter pin 'tx
int Fspeedd = 0; / / in front of the distance
int Rspeedd = 0; / / the right distance
int Lspeedd = 0; / / left distance
int directionn = 0; / / = 8 = 2 Left = Right = 6
Servo myservo; / / set myservo
int delay_time = 250; / / servo motor steering stability time
int Fgo = 8; / / forward
int Rgo = 6; / / turn right
int Lgo = 4; / / turn left
int Bgo = 2; / / reversing
/ / ************************************************ ******************** (SETUP)
void setup ()
  Serial.begin (9600);
  pinMode (MotorRight1, OUTPUT); / / pin 8 (PWM)
  pinMode (MotorRight2, OUTPUT); / / pin 9 (PWM)
  pinMode (MotorLeft1, OUTPUT); / / pin 10 (PWM)
  pinMode on (MotorLeft2, OUTPUT); / / pin 11 (PWM)
  irrecv.enableIRIn (); / / start infrared decoding
   the pinMode (SensorLeft, INPUT); / / define the left sensor
  pinMode (SensorMiddle, INPUT) ;/ / definition sensor
  the pinMode (SensorRight, INPUT); / / define the right sensors
  digitalWrite (2, HIGH);
  pinMode (inputPin, INPUT); / / definition ultrasound input pin
  pinMode (outputPin, OUTPUT); / / definition ultrasound output pin
  myservo.attach (9); / / define the servo motor output 5th pin (PWM)

/ / ************************************************ ****************** (Void)
void advance (int a) / / forward
        digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
        digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
        digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
        digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
        delay (a * 100);
void right (int b) / / turn right (single wheel)
       digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
       digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
       digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
       digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
       delay (b * 100);
void left (int c) / / turn left (single wheel)
      digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
      digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
      digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
      delay (c * 100);
void turnR (int d) / / turn right (two-wheeled)
      digitalWrite (MotorRight1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
      digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
      digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
      delay (d * 100);
void turnL (int e) / / turn left (two-wheeled)
      digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
      digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
      digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, HIGH);
      digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
      delay (e * 100);
void stopp (int f) / / stop
     digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
     digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
     digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
     digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
     delay (f * 100);
void back (int g) / / Back
        digitalWrite (MotorRight1, HIGH);
        digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
        digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, HIGH);
        digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);;
        delay (g * 100);
void detection () / / measuring three angles (front left right)
    int delay_time = 250; / / servo motor steering stability time
    ask_pin_F (); / / read in front of the distance

    if (Fspeedd <10) / / If the front of the distance is less than 10 cm
      stopp (1); / / Clear the output data
      back (2); / / back 0.2 seconds
    if (Fspeedd <25) / / If the front of the distance is less than 25 cm
      stopp (1); / / Clear the output data
      ask_pin_L (); / / read the left distance
      delay (delay_time); / / wait for the servo motor stable
      ask_pin_R (); / / read the right distance
      delay (delay_time); / / wait for the servo motor stable

      if (Lspeedd> Rspeedd) / / if the left distance is greater than the right distance
        directionn = Lgo; / / go left

      if (Lspeedd <= Rspeedd) / / if the left distance is less than or equal to the right side of the distance
        directionn = Rgo; / / right away

      if (Lspeedd <15 && Rspeedd <15) / / if the left distance and right distance are less than 10 cm
        directionn = Bgo; / / walk backward
    else / / add, such as in front of more than 25 cm
      directionn = Fgo; / / forward
/ / ************************************************ *********************************
void ask_pin_F () / / measure out the front of the distance
myservo.write (90);
the digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); / / let the ultrasonic transmitter Low Voltage 2¦Ìs
delayMicroseconds (2);
the digitalWrite (outputPin, HIGH); / / ultrasonic transmitting high voltage 10¦Ìs, at least 10¦Ìs
delayMicroseconds (10);
digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); / / maintain ultrasonic transmitter low voltage
float Fdistance = pulseIn (inputPin, HIGH); / / read differential difference
Fdistance = Fdistance/5.8/10; / / time to distance distance (unit: cm)
Serial.print ("F distance:"); / / output distance (unit: cm)
Serial.println (Fdistance); / / display distance
Fspeedd = Fdistance; / / distance read Fspeedd (speed)
/ / ************************************************ ********************************
void ask_pin_L () / / measure out the left distance
myservo.write (177);
delay (delay_time);
the digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); / / let the ultrasonic transmitter Low Voltage 2¦Ìs
delayMicroseconds (2);
the digitalWrite (outputPin, HIGH); / / ultrasonic transmitting high voltage 10¦Ìs, at least 10¦Ìs
delayMicroseconds (10);
digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); / / maintain ultrasonic transmitter low voltage
float Ldistance = pulseIn (inputPin, HIGH); / / read differential difference
Ldistance = Ldistance/5.8/10; / / time to distance distance (unit: cm)
Serial.print ("L distance:"); / / output distance (unit: cm)
Serial.println (Ldistance); / / display distance
Lspeedd = Ldistance; / / distance reads Lspeedd (left-speed)
/ / ************************************************ ******************************
void ask_pin_R () / / measure out the right side of the distance
myservo.write (5);
delay (delay_time);
the digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); / / let the ultrasonic transmitter Low Voltage 2¦Ìs
delayMicroseconds (2);
the digitalWrite (outputPin, HIGH); / / ultrasonic transmitting high voltage 10¦Ìs, at least 10¦Ìs
delayMicroseconds (10);
digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); / / maintain ultrasonic transmitter low voltage
float Rdistance = pulseIn (inputPin, HIGH); / / read differential difference
Rdistance = Rdistance/5.8/10; / / time to distance distance (unit: cm)
Serial.print (the R distance: "); / / output distance (unit: cm)
Serial.println (Rdistance); / / display distance
Rspeedd = Rdistance; / / distance read into Rspeedd (right speed)
/ / ************************************************ ****************************** (LOOP)
void loop ()
      SL = digitalRead (SensorLeft);
      SM = digitalRead (SensorMiddle);
      SR = digitalRead (SensorRight);
/ / ************************************************ *************************** normal remote mode
  if (irrecv.decode (& results))
    {/ / Decoding successful, receive a set of infrared signals
/ ************************************************* ********************** /
      if (results.value == IRfront) / / forward
        advance (10) ;/ / forward
/ ************************************************* ********************** /
      if (results.value == IRback) / / Back
        back (10) ;/ / Back
/ ************************************************* ********************** /
      if (results.value == IRturnright) / / right turn
        right (6); / / turn right
/ ************************************************* ********************** /
     if (results.value == IRturnleft) / / left turn
       left (6); / / turn left);
/ ************************************************* ********************** /
    if (results.value == IRstop) / / stop
     digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
     digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
     digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
     digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
/ / ************************************************ black self-propelled mode the *********************** cny70 mode: LOW white:
    if (results.value == IRcny70)
     while (IRcny70)
       SL = digitalRead (SensorLeft);
       SM = digitalRead (SensorMiddle);
       SR = digitalRead (SensorRight);
       if (SM == HIGH) / / in the sensor in the black areas
          if (SL == LOW & SR == HIGH) / / left black right white to turn left
             digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
             digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
             analogWrite (MotorLeft1, 0);
             analogWrite (MotorLeft2, 80);
          else if (SR == LOW & SL == HIGH) / / left white right black, turn right
             analogWrite (MotorRight1, 0) ;/ / turn right
             analogWrite (MotorRight2, 80);
             digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
             digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
         else / / both sides are white, straight
             digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
             digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
             digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
             digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
             analogWrite (MotorLeft1, 200);
             analogWrite (MotorLeft2, 200);
             analogWrite (MotorRight1, 200);
             analogWrite (MotorRight2, 200);
       else / / in the sensor in the white areas
         if (SL == LOW & SR == HIGH) / / white left black right, quick left turn
            digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
            digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
            digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
            digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
         else if (SR == LOW & SL == HIGH) / / left white right black, quick right turn
           digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
           digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
           digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
           digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
         else / / are white, stop
        digitalWrite (MotorRight1, HIGH);
        digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
        digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, HIGH);
        digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);;
       if (irrecv.decode (& results))
             irrecv.resume ();
                  Serial.println (results.value, HEX);
             if (results.value == IRstop)
               digitalWrite (MotorRight1, HIGH);
               digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
               digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, HIGH);
               digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
      results.value = 0;
/ / ************************************************ the *********************** ultrasound self-propelled mode
 if (results.value == IRAutorun)
           while (IRAutorun)
            myservo.write (90); / / the servo motors regression ready position ready for the next time measurement
            detection (); / / measure the angle and the judgment to where to move in one direction
             if (directionn == 8) / / if directionn (direction) = 8 (forward)
              if (irrecv.decode (& results))
             irrecv.resume ();
             Serial.println (results.value, HEX);
             if (results.value == IRstop)
               digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
                results.value = 0;
                advance (1); / / normal ahead
                Serial.print ("Advance"); / / display direction (forward)
                Serial.print ("");
           if (directionn == 2) / / if directionn (direction) = 2 (reverse)
            if (irrecv.decode (& results))
             irrecv.resume ();
             Serial.println (results.value, HEX);
             if (results.value == IRstop)
               digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
              results.value = 0;
              back (8); / / reverse (car)
              turnL (3); / / move slightly to the left (to prevent stuck in a dead alley)
              Serial.print ("Reverse"); / / display direction (reverse)
            if (directionn == 6) / / if directionn (direction) = 6 (turn right)
           if (irrecv.decode (& results))
              irrecv.resume ();
              Serial.println (results.value, HEX);
             if (results.value == IRstop)
               digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
             results.value = 0;
               back (1);
               turnR (6); / / turn right
               Serial.print ("Right"); / / display direction (turn left)
            if (directionn == 4) / / if directionn (direction) = 4 (turn left)
             if (irrecv.decode (& results))
             irrecv.resume ();
             Serial.println (results.value, HEX);
             if (results.value == IRstop)
               digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
                results.value = 0;
                back (1);
                turnL (6); / / turn left
                Serial.print ("Left"); / / display direction (turn right)
             if (irrecv.decode (& results))
             irrecv.resume ();
             Serial.println (results.value, HEX);
             if (results.value == IRstop)
               digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
               digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
               results.value = 0;
/ ************************************************* ********************** /
           digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
           digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
           digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
           digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);

        irrecv.resume (); / / continue to the next set of infrared signals received

No, näyttää siltä että kommentoinnit ovat listauksessa poskellaan.
Eli siellä on kommentteja malliin / *** / tai / /
Pitäisi olla ilman noita välilyöntejä, malliin /* */ tai //

Toisekseen “the” sana on useammassakin paikassa ennen jotain komentoa. Ei ymmärtääkseni pitäisi olla. ( tai sitten vaan luin hätäisesti…)

Kolmas silmääni osunut ongelma on tuo jotta ainakin yhdestä Serial.printistä puuttuu toinen lainausmerkki.

Voi toki olla muutakin.

Tuo virhe tulee javasta. eli arduinon idestä.

Kokeile kääntyykö seuraava koodi:

int main(){

Jollei, asenna arduino ide uudestaan tai java tai tai tai. En oikeasti enää osaa arvata.

Totta, IDEstä tuo virhe tulee. Mutta ei siihen IDEn uudelleen asentaminen taida auttaa?
Nimittäin virhe tulee tästä rivistä:

Serial.print (the R distance: "); / / output distance (unit: cm)

Epäilen onko sellaista IDEä arduinolle olemassakaan joka tuon hanskaa?

Kun tuohon lisää puuttuvan lainausmerkin alkaakin sitten tulla niitä muita virheilmoja jotka kertovat lähdetekstin olevan pelkkää kuraa…

Ja jottei toisen aloittelijan aika ihan hiuksia repiessä menisi, tässä tekstiä joka suostuu ainakin kääntymään. Sitä, toimiiko oikein, en osaa sanoa.

#include <IRremote.h>
#include <Servo.h>
// / *********************** Defined motor pin ********************* ****
int MotorRight1 = 5;
int MotorRight2 = 6;
int MotorLeft1 = 10;
int MotorLeft2 = 11;
int counter = 0;
const int irReceiverPin = 2; // / OUTPUT signal of the infrared receiver is connected to the pin 2

// / *********************** Set detected IRcode ****************** *******
long IRfront = 0x00FFA25D; // / forward code
long IRback = 0x00FF629D; // / Back
long IRturnright = 0x00FFC23D; // / turn right
long IRturnleft = 0x00FF02FD; // / turn left
long IRstop = 0x00FFE21D; // / Stop
long IRcny70 = 0x00FFA857; // / CNY70 self-propelled mode
long IRAutorun = 0x00FF906F; // / ultrasound self-propelled mode
long IRturnsmallleft = 0x00FF22DD;
// / ************************* Defined CNY70 pin ******************* *****************
const int SensorLeft = 7; // / left sensor input pin
const int SensorMiddle = 4; // / the Sensor input pin in
const int SensorRight = 3; // / right sensor input pin
int SL; // / left sensor status
int SM; // / in the sensor state
int SR; // / right sensor status
IRrecv irrecv (irReceiverPin); // / the definition IRrecv object to receive infrared signals
decode_results results; // / decoding results on decode_results structure result variable
// / ************************* Definition ultrasound pin ****************** ************
int inputPin = 13; // / define the ultrasound signal reception pin rx
int outputPin = 12; // / define the ultrasonic signal transmitter pin 'tx
int Fspeedd = 0; // / in front of the distance
int Rspeedd = 0; // / the right distance
int Lspeedd = 0; // / left distance
int directionn = 0; // / = 8 = 2 Left = Right = 6
Servo myservo; // / set myservo
int delay_time = 250; // / servo motor steering stability time
int Fgo = 8; // / forward
int Rgo = 6; // / turn right
int Lgo = 4; // / turn left
int Bgo = 2; // / reversing
// / ************************************************ ******************** (SETUP)
void setup ()
Serial.begin (9600);
pinMode (MotorRight1, OUTPUT); // / pin 8 (PWM)
pinMode (MotorRight2, OUTPUT); // / pin 9 (PWM)
pinMode (MotorLeft1, OUTPUT); // / pin 10 (PWM)
// pinMode on (MotorLeft2, OUTPUT); // / pin 11 (PWM)
pinMode (MotorLeft2, OUTPUT); // / pin 11 (PWM)
irrecv.enableIRIn (); // / start infrared decoding
// the pinMode (SensorLeft, INPUT); / / define the left sensor
pinMode (SensorLeft, INPUT); // / define the left sensor
pinMode (SensorMiddle, INPUT) ;// / definition sensor
//the pinMode (SensorRight, INPUT); / / define the right sensors
pinMode (SensorRight, INPUT); // / define the right sensors
digitalWrite (2, HIGH);
pinMode (inputPin, INPUT); // / definition ultrasound input pin
pinMode (outputPin, OUTPUT); // / definition ultrasound output pin
myservo.attach (9); // / define the servo motor output 5th pin (PWM)

// / ************************************************ ****************** (Void)
void advance (int a) // / forward
digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
delay (a * 100);
void right (int b) // / turn right (single wheel)
digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
delay (b * 100);
void left (int c) // / turn left (single wheel)
digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
delay (c * 100);
void turnR (int d) // / turn right (two-wheeled)
digitalWrite (MotorRight1, HIGH);
digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
delay (d * 100);
void turnL (int e) // / turn left (two-wheeled)
digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, HIGH);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
delay (e * 100);
void stopp (int f) // / stop
digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
delay (f * 100);
void back (int g) // / Back
digitalWrite (MotorRight1, HIGH);
digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, HIGH);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);;
delay (g * 100);
void detection () // / measuring three angles (front left right)
int delay_time = 250; // / servo motor steering stability time
ask_pin_F (); // / read in front of the distance

if (Fspeedd <10) // / If the front of the distance is less than 10 cm

stopp (1); // / Clear the output data
back (2); // / back 0.2 seconds
if (Fspeedd <25) // / If the front of the distance is less than 25 cm
stopp (1); // / Clear the output data
ask_pin_L (); // / read the left distance
delay (delay_time); // / wait for the servo motor stable
ask_pin_R (); // / read the right distance
delay (delay_time); // / wait for the servo motor stable

  if (Lspeedd> Rspeedd) // / if the left distance is greater than the right distance
    directionn = Lgo; // / go left

  if (Lspeedd <= Rspeedd) // / if the left distance is less than or equal to the right side of the distance
    directionn = Rgo; // / right away

  if (Lspeedd <15 && Rspeedd <15) // / if the left distance and right distance are less than 10 cm
    directionn = Bgo; // / walk backward
else // / add, such as in front of more than 25 cm

directionn = Fgo; // / forward
// / ************************************************ *********************************
void ask_pin_F () // / measure out the front of the distance
myservo.write (90);
// the digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); / / let the ultrasonic transmitter Low Voltage 2¦Ìs
digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); // / let the ultrasonic transmitter Low Voltage 2¦Ìs
delayMicroseconds (2);
//the digitalWrite (outputPin, HIGH); / / ultrasonic transmitting high voltage 10¦Ìs, at least 10¦Ìs
digitalWrite (outputPin, HIGH); // / ultrasonic transmitting high voltage 10¦Ìs, at least 10¦Ìs
delayMicroseconds (10);
digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); // / maintain ultrasonic transmitter low voltage
float Fdistance = pulseIn (inputPin, HIGH); // / read differential difference
Fdistance = Fdistance/5.8/10; // / time to distance distance (unit: cm)
Serial.print (“F distance:”); // / output distance (unit: cm)
Serial.println (Fdistance); // / display distance
Fspeedd = Fdistance; // / distance read Fspeedd (speed)
// / ************************************************ ********************************
void ask_pin_L () // / measure out the left distance
myservo.write (177);
delay (delay_time);
// the digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); / / let the ultrasonic transmitter Low Voltage 2¦Ìs
digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); // /let the ultrasonic transmitter Low Voltage 2¦Ìs
delayMicroseconds (2);
//the digitalWrite (outputPin, HIGH); / / ultrasonic transmitting high voltage 10¦Ìs, at least 10¦Ìs
digitalWrite (outputPin, HIGH); // / ultrasonic transmitting high voltage 10¦Ìs, at least 10¦Ìs
delayMicroseconds (10);
digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); // / maintain ultrasonic transmitter low voltage
float Ldistance = pulseIn (inputPin, HIGH); // / read differential difference
Ldistance = Ldistance/5.8/10; // / time to distance distance (unit: cm)
Serial.print (“L distance:”); // / output distance (unit: cm)
Serial.println (Ldistance); // / display distance
Lspeedd = Ldistance; // / distance reads Lspeedd (left-speed)
// / ************************************************ ******************************
void ask_pin_R () // / measure out the right side of the distance
myservo.write (5);
delay (delay_time);
// the digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); / / let the ultrasonic transmitter Low Voltage 2¦Ìs
digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); // / let the ultrasonic transmitter Low Voltage 2¦Ìs
delayMicroseconds (2);
//the digitalWrite (outputPin, HIGH); / / ultrasonic transmitting high voltage 10¦Ìs, at least 10¦Ìs
digitalWrite (outputPin, HIGH); // / ultrasonic transmitting high voltage 10¦Ìs, at least 10¦Ìs
delayMicroseconds (10);
digitalWrite (outputPin, LOW); // / maintain ultrasonic transmitter low voltage
float Rdistance = pulseIn (inputPin, HIGH); // / read differential difference
Rdistance = Rdistance/5.8/10; // / time to distance distance (unit: cm)
// Serial.print (the R distance: "); / / output distance (unit: cm)
Serial.print ("the R distance: "); // / output distance (unit: cm)
Serial.println (Rdistance); // / display distance
Rspeedd = Rdistance; // / distance read into Rspeedd (right speed)
// / ************************************************ ****************************** (LOOP)
void loop ()
SL = digitalRead (SensorLeft);
SM = digitalRead (SensorMiddle);
SR = digitalRead (SensorRight);
// / ************************************************ *************************** normal remote mode
if (irrecv.decode (& results))
{// / Decoding successful, receive a set of infrared signals
// ************************************************* ********************** /
if (results.value == IRfront) // / forward
advance (10) ;// / forward
// ************************************************* ********************** /
if (results.value == IRback) // / Back
back (10) ;// / Back
// ************************************************* ********************** /
if (results.value == IRturnright) // / right turn
right (6); // / turn right
// ************************************************* ********************** /
if (results.value == IRturnleft) // / left turn
left (6); // / turn left);
// ************************************************* ********************** /
if (results.value == IRstop) // / stop
digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
// / ************************************************ black self-propelled mode the *********************** cny70 mode: LOW white:
if (results.value == IRcny70)
while (IRcny70)
SL = digitalRead (SensorLeft);
SM = digitalRead (SensorMiddle);
SR = digitalRead (SensorRight);

   if (SM == HIGH) // / in the sensor in the black areas
      if (SL == LOW & SR == HIGH) // / left black right white to turn left
         digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
         digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
         analogWrite (MotorLeft1, 0);
         analogWrite (MotorLeft2, 80);
      else if (SR == LOW & SL == HIGH) // / left white right black, turn right
         analogWrite (MotorRight1, 0) ; // / turn right
         analogWrite (MotorRight2, 80);
         digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
         digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
     else // / both sides are white, straight
         digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
         digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
         digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
         digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
         analogWrite (MotorLeft1, 200);
         analogWrite (MotorLeft2, 200);
         analogWrite (MotorRight1, 200);
         analogWrite (MotorRight2, 200);
   else // / in the sensor in the white areas
     if (SL == LOW & SR == HIGH) // / white left black right, quick left turn
        digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
        digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
        digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
        digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
     else if (SR == LOW & SL == HIGH) // / left white right black, quick right turn
       digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
       digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
       digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
       digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
     else // / are white, stop
    digitalWrite (MotorRight1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
    digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);;
   if (irrecv.decode (& results))
         irrecv.resume ();
              Serial.println (results.value, HEX);
         if (results.value == IRstop)
           digitalWrite (MotorRight1, HIGH);
           digitalWrite (MotorRight2, HIGH);
           digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, HIGH);
           digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, HIGH);
  results.value = 0;

// / ************************************************ the *********************** ultrasound self-propelled mode
if (results.value == IRAutorun)
while (IRAutorun)
myservo.write (90); // / the servo motors regression ready position ready for the next time measurement
detection (); // / measure the angle and the judgment to where to move in one direction
if (directionn == 8) // / if directionn (direction) = 8 (forward)
if (irrecv.decode (& results))
irrecv.resume ();
Serial.println (results.value, HEX);
if (results.value == IRstop)
digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
results.value = 0;
advance (1); // / normal ahead
Serial.print (“Advance”); // / display direction (forward)
Serial.print ("");
if (directionn == 2) // / if directionn (direction) = 2 (reverse)
if (irrecv.decode (& results))
irrecv.resume ();
Serial.println (results.value, HEX);
if (results.value == IRstop)
digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
results.value = 0;
back (8); // / reverse (car)
turnL (3); // / move slightly to the left (to prevent stuck in a dead alley)
Serial.print (“Reverse”); // / display direction (reverse)
if (directionn == 6) // / if directionn (direction) = 6 (turn right)
if (irrecv.decode (& results))
irrecv.resume ();
Serial.println (results.value, HEX);
if (results.value == IRstop)
digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
results.value = 0;
back (1);
turnR (6); // / turn right
Serial.print (“Right”); // / display direction (turn left)
if (directionn == 4) // / if directionn (direction) = 4 (turn left)
if (irrecv.decode (& results))
irrecv.resume ();
Serial.println (results.value, HEX);
if (results.value == IRstop)
digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
results.value = 0;
back (1);
turnL (6); // / turn left
Serial.print (“Left”); // / display direction (turn right)

         if (irrecv.decode (& results))
         irrecv.resume ();
         Serial.println (results.value, HEX);
         if (results.value == IRstop)
           digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
           digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
           digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
           digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);
           results.value = 0;

// ************************************************* ********************** /
digitalWrite (MotorRight1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorRight2, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft1, LOW);
digitalWrite (MotorLeft2, LOW);

    irrecv.resume (); // / continue to the next set of infrared signals received


No eipä ollut mitenkään fiksu virheilmoitus. Nyt sen tulkinta on täysin selkeä.

Eli pinon ylivuoto aiheutuu yksinkertaisesta lainausmerkkien epätasapainosta, jolloin tuota tiedostoa parsiva arduino haukkaa kaiken pinoon ja kuolee sitten siihen. Enkä todellakaan odottanut näkeväni tuollaista virhettä tuon ilmoituksen syyksi, koska se ei ole kääntäjän virheilmoitus.

Tein pienen pöljäkkeen.

int test_f(const char * f){
  return (int)((long) f % 2);

int main(){
  test_f(weird error for gcc");
  return 0;

Ja käännös gcc demo.c

demo.c: Funktio ”main”:
demo.c:6:10: virhe: ”weird” esittelemättä (ensimmäinen käyttökerta tässä funktiossa)
   test_f(weird error for gcc");
demo.c:6:10: huom: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
demo.c:6:16: virhe: expected ”)” before ”error”
   test_f(weird error for gcc");
demo.c:6:29: varoitus: puuttuva päättymismerkki "
   test_f(weird error for gcc");
demo.c:6:16: virhe: loppumerkki " puuttuu
   test_f(weird error for gcc");
demo.c:8:1: virhe: expected ”;” before ”}” token

Ei tuokaan selvimmästä päästä ole, mutta kelaamalla ylös ja katsomalla niin kyllä se siihen alkuun yrittää näyttää, mutta ei kerro oikeaa syytä.

Olet muuten kääntänyt nyt jo useamman arduinosketchin kuin minä :smiley: