Analog voltage report with Ruuvis

I have a use case to tack a Ruuvi onto a liquid level measurement sensor which reports level a as a voltage between 0…supply voltage level

the sensor must be powered on for 200mS for a stable signal and thereafter can be powered down; I think I can get the powerup/powerdown cycling baked by analogy

storing calibration values for full/empty would be helpful

I’d be grateful for an example/hint to to measure voltage with a Ruuvi -

best regards

edit: I guess I’ll study the battery measurement code for a start


Battery measurement code should be a good starting point, you can move the input pins around in the code if you don’t need the battery measurement itself.

If you need battery measurement, take care to consider interrupts for battery voltage measurement so that your measurements won’t be overridden by battery sampling.

thanks! I think we’ll find our way
