Ruuvitag under soil


Let’s say I want to measure temperature with Ruuvitag from a plant pot, located 5 meters from wall (and windows). Indoor, behind the windows I have receiver, that will collect the data.

What is the best pose for Ruuvitag inside the plant pot. I mean does it send data
360 degrees in all positions?


I placed one of my ruuvi-tags under soil, approximately 5 cm below the surface. I placed in between two terra-cotta plates, tag top facing upwards. I can read the bluetooth data from inside the house (brick facade). The position is not visible from inside the house - I guess the radio signal bounces around before it is received by my iPhone. I think from what you describe it will work fine.

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Signal strength is strongest directly up from the top cover.

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Be advised that some efforts relating to soil measurements resulted in tags “breathing” in moisture which eventually condensed inside the enclosure.