Ruuvi Station iOS updates

Ruuvi Station iOS App v1.1.1(286) is available for public beta testers. We have added new features, performed several major and minor enhancements, and fixed critical and minor bugs. Please install the beta and share your valuable feedback.

New Feature:

  • We have improved the onboarding experience with the addition of Ruuvi Cloud which lets users sign in to their cloud account while onboarding.


  • Show checkmark beside the selected item on the settings.
  • The one-time code text field is now replaced with intuitive boxes.
  • Sensor name editing text field now changed into a popup that allows users to change names comfortably.
  • No sensors screen is unified with other platforms.
  • Syncing from GATT now shows progress with the number of data points fetched.
  • A low battery level warning is shown at the time of firmware update if the battery level is low.
  • Improved user experience on sensor sharing screen.
  • Other minor enhancements.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the first sensor card may not be updating properly.

Performance Improvements:

  • Other general performance improvements.

Ruuvi Station iOS App v1.1.1(290) is available for public beta testers. This version addresses a couple of issues from the previous build.

  • Fixed an issue where the offset corrected value may not be visible on cloud mode
  • Unify alert bell blink with android app
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Ruuvi station iOS app v1.1.1(291) is available for public beta testers.


  • Fixed an issue where adding one tag may make other tags undiscoverable.
  • General performance improvements.

Ruuvi Station iOS v1.1.3(299) is submitted for the beta testers. This version addressed the issue where Gatt sync may not be syncing the historical data properly.

Important: Please help test the Bluetooth connection as well because the latest iOS (15.5) may have some bugs which affect the Ruuvi Station.

Once the beta is approved a notification will be sent out to you. Please share your feedback so that we can improve the app. Thank you. :blush:

Ruuvi Station iOS v1.2.0(302) is available for the public beta testers. This is a major update since in this update we have brought simple widget on the iOS app. We would like to ask you to install the beta, test and shared your feedback so that we can improve the experience.


  • Simple Configurable Widget.


  • Removed language selection from the app settings and supported Apple’s per-app language settings approach.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where virtual sensors may show the wrong name.
  • Fixed an issue where updating the virtual sensor’s name or location may not immediately affect the sensor settings screen.
  • Fixed an issue where German localization may not be working properly on the onboarding screen.

Note: After updating the app, please be informed that the app has to be launched at least once to make the widget available in the widget gallery.

Ruuvi Station iOS v1.3.0(315) is available for public beta testers. This is a major update with some big improvements in performance, enhancements, and several bug fixes and optimizations. We would like to ask you to install the beta, test it, and share your feedback so that we can improve the experience.


  • Added measurement precision settings that allow users to set the level of precision they want to see for the measurement data.


  • Optimised and improved the cards page sync and scrolling experience using a newly implemented API.
  • Rewritten the firmware upgrade flow for the tags having old firmware like Data Format 3 which enables a smooth experience than ever.
  • Keyboard now shows the email layout while typing the email address on the tag share screen.
  • App stores all measurements now when the app is in the foreground which enables the live chart update.
  • The users are asked to share reviews complying with the guidelines from Apple.
  • Sensor now shows the last measurement beyond 10 days.
  • Offset calibrated values now affect the UI immediately after setting up. Earlier it was used to sync on the next cloud sync or BT measurement.
  • Added “What To Measures with Ruuvi?” option on the menu.
  • Unified the CSV file format with other platforms.
  • Added the battery capacity indicator on the tag settings page.
  • Unified the font stylings across the application.
  • Shows a warning message when the user tries to leave the chart page while a sync is in progress or cancels an ongoing sync.
  • Updated the styles of the about page.
  • Added a darker layer behind the chart to make it more comfortably visible on top of different types of background.
  • Updated icons on the card page to make it look better and unified with other platforms.
  • Removed the ability to add new “Virtual Sensors”. However, already added sensors will be functioning correctly until further updates.
  • Added “My Ruuvi Account” option in the menu which contains an option to delete the Ruuvi Cloud account.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where getting firmware version on tag settings screen stalled or never times out.
  • Fixed an issue where trying to claim a tag may be throwing an SQL error.
  • Fixed an issue where BT seems to be fetching data more frequently than it should.
  • Fixed an issue where tapping on the widget may not be opening the associated card the first time.
  • Fixed an issue where the GATT sync button was not visible after switching back from the cloud mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the login verification code may be attempting to verify the code in each key press.
  • Fixed an issue where sensors without cloud records may be visible for selection on the widget.
  • Fixed an issue where tag may be showing older data from the cloud even the newer data is already available from the BT.
  • Fixed an issue where humidity and pressure calibration settings may not be appearing on the tag settings screen sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the language may create unexpected behavior such as signing out not removing the cards or the sign-out button not being visible and so.
  • Fixed an issue where the clear/sync button on the charts page was visible for tags not nearby or received any BT message.

Enjoy :slight_smile:


Sounds great :clap: Keep up the great work :boom:

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Ruuvi Station iOS v1.3.0(320) is available in the public beta.
This build address the crashes reported on build 319. Also, it brings improvements to the charts page.

Please be noted that - the draw dots feature is hidden from the charts settings for the time being to maintain a good performance across devices. We are working on bringing it back soon.

Please test the app and share your feedback. :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Ruuvi Station iOS v1.3.1(327) is available in the public beta. We are always working to improve Ruuvi Station and provide the best user experience possible. This update brings new features, several major and minor enhancements, and bug fixes.


  • Lockscreen Widget with all supported sizes is now available for devices with iOS 16.
  • Alert settings are now more compact with being expandable on tap.


  • Removed warning alert indicator for the humidity on the card page.
  • Bluetooth disabled alert has a settings button to open system or app settings.
  • ‘Connection’ section on the sensor setting page is cleaned up, adding more context.
  • Make background scanning settings sync with the sensor pairing states.
  • Show widgets time format based on the format on the device.
  • The firmware update section is now made visible for both cloud and local sensors. Although, the - update would require the tag to be in the range of the device.
  • The sensor setting page shows the owner’s name for the claimed tag without making any attempt to claim.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where GATT sync text might be overlapping or visible under the action buttons.
  • Fixed an issue where charts may show a blank page when no data is available.
  • Fixed an issue where failed GATT sync shows a contextless error message.
  • Fixed an issue where some of the columns on CSV file may showing extra quotes.
  • Fixed an issue where fetching the sharee list might be blocking the whole UI due to poor connection.
  • Fixed an issue where inactive alerts might be reset when the user signs in.

Performance Improvements:

  • Addressed issues related to the app crashing or lagging in the older devices or devices with iOS 15.7.

Please test the app and share your feedback. :slight_smile:

Thank you.

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Big update for Ruuvi Station iOS . Version 2.0 is available for public beta testers. This is a major update with big improvements and new features, and addresses some important performance issues. We would appreciate any feedback including the look and feel as well as the obvious bug reports.

  • New welcome tour gives you a better overview of the app features and improvements in 2.0

  • New sign in has been revamped to improve sign in and sign up

  • Completely redesigned dashboard with a new fresh look and ability to show or hide sensor images

  • Push notification alerts are now available for Ruuvi Gateway users with a valid Ruuvi Cloud Basic or higher subscription level

  • Background image selector was redesigned including a selection brand new default images

  • Overall design of the app was improved and unified

  • App has now been fully translated for English, Finnish, Swedish, French and German languages

  • Lots of minor fixes and improvements were included in this new major version update

  • Minimum requirement for running Ruuvi Station is now iOS 14

  • Uusi esittely antaa sinulle paremman yleiskuvan sovelluksen ominaisuuksista ja parannuksista versiossa 2.0

  • Uudistunut kirjautumissivu helpottaa ohjelmaan sisäänkirjautumista ja rekisteröitymistä

  • Täysin uudistunut koontinäyttö, jossa parannettu ulkoasu ja mahdollisuus näyttää tai piilottaa anturikorttien taustakuvat

  • Push-hälytysviestit ovat nyt saatavilla Ruuvi Gatewayn käyttäjille, joilla on voimassa oleva Ruuvi Cloud Basic tai parempi tilaustaso

  • Uudistunut taustakuvavalitsin, joka sisältää myös valikoiman upouusia oletuskuvia

  • Ohjelman ulkoasuun liittyviä parannuksia ja yhdenmukaistuksia eri alustojen välillä

  • Sovellus on nyt täysin käännetty englanniksi, suomeksi, ruotsiksi, ranskaksi ja saksaksi

  • 2.0 versiopäivityksessä mukana paljon pieniä korjauksia ja parannuksia

  • Sovelluksen vähimmäisvaatimus nyt iOS 14

Ruuvi Station iOS v2.0.1 is available for the public beta testers. This update brings several bug fixes and improvements.

  • Fixed an issue where app might be crashing when trying to export the CSV in iPad.
  • Fixed an issue where sensor settings page may not be accessible when there’s no measurement.
  • Fixed an issue where app may have been crashing when a sensor is removed.
  • Fixed an issue where app may not be showing shared sensors if app is in foreground or comes from the background.
  • Update strings in a few places to add more context to the associated features.
  • Several other minor fixes and overall stability improvements.

Ruuvi Station iOS version 2.0.2 contains fix for several bugs.


  • Preferred theme can now be set from the settings, independent of system theme.
  • Turned off sensor name capitalisation on sensor cards page. It shows now exact name user sets.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where sensor cards page had glitches and potentially showing wrong data including background image.
  • Fixed an issue where shared sensor may not be showing without killing the app.
  • Fixed an issue where dashboard may be freezing for a couple of seconds after launch or when app comes to foreground after a while.
  • Fixed an issue where dashboard menu may be glitching while kept open for longer than a few seconds.
  • Fixed an issue where firmware update may get stuck at the end.
  • Fixed an issue where firmware version on the settings page may be showing different than the actual firmware version.
  • Fixed an issue where texts not showing on Bluetooth pair settings.
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to claim a sensor without connection shows no response.
  • Fixed an issue where alerts settings may be stored locally even after signing out.
  • Several other performance and stability improvements.

Ruuvi Station iOS v2.1.0 is available for the public beta testers. This update brings several bug fixes and improvements.


  • Dashboard view-menu redesigned to include card action
  • Y-axis is scaling to logical values on history view
  • X-axis in history view simplified and unified with other platforms
  • User has now ability to choose app language and region settings separately
  • Number of shares for shared sensors is now shown on Sensor settings page
  • Improvements to cloud sync queue
  • Sign in screen improvements to make it more logical
  • Last data source icon on dashboard
  • Other minor usability improvements and bug fixes


  • Koontinäytön näkymä-valikkoa parannettu ja lisätty mahdollisuus valita korttisiirtymä
  • Historianäkymän Y-akseli skaalautuu nyt loogisiin arvoihin
  • Historianäkymän X-akselia yksinkertaistettu ja yhdenmukaistettu muiden alustojen kanssa
  • Käyttäjä voi nyt valita sovelluksen kielen lisäksi alueelliset asetukset erikseen käyttöjärjestelmän asetuksista
  • Jaettujen antureiden jakomäärä näytetään nyt anturin asetussivulla
  • Pilvipalvelun synkronointijonoa parannettu
  • Sisäänkirjautumissivuja parannettu käyttäjäpalautteen mukaan
  • Viimeisimmän datapisteen lähde lisätty koontinäytölle
  • Muita pieniä parannuksia ja bugikorjauksia

Ruuvi Station iOS v 2.2.0 is available for the public beta testers. This update brings several bug fixes and improvements.


  • Active areas have been improved everywhere in the app
  • Last measurement source is now shown at bottom of history view page
  • Icons and popup messages unified on history view page
  • Added support for internal alert sounds
  • Alert Notification setting added under App Settings
  • Added Alert Sound setting including new Ruuvi Alert notification sound
  • Sign user out from app on token expiration
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes


  • Aktiivisia alueita parannettu kaikkialla sovelluksessa
  • Viimeisimmän mittauksen lähde näytetään nyt myös historiasivun alalaidassa
  • Kuvakkeita ja ponnahdusviestejä yhdenmukaistettu historiasivulla
  • Lisätty tuki sovelluksen omille hälytysäänille
  • Hälytysilmoitusasetukset lisätty sovellusasetusvalikkoon
  • Hälytysääniasetukset ja uusi Ruuvi hälytysääni
  • Käyttäjä kirjataan nyt ulos sovelluksesta tokenin vanhentumisen yhteydessä
  • Muita parannuksia ja bugikorjauksia

Ruuvi Station iOS v 2.3.0 is available for the public beta testers. This update brings several bug fixes and improvements.


  • Users are now able to add sensors to Ruuvi Station and view sensor information using near-field communication (NFC) when supported by device
  • Claiming sensor ownership is now suggested on Sensor Settings page for new sensors that are not yet claimed
  • Users can now rename sensors from Dashboard 3-dots menu
  • Pull down gesture can now be used on dashboard to synchronise latest data from Ruuvi Cloud
  • New images for welcome screens
  • Fonts and icon sizes have been improved on sensor cards and dashboard
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes


  • Käyttäjät voivat nyt lisätä antureita Ruuvi Stationiin lyhyen kantaman langattoman teknologian (NFC) avulla, mikäli laite tukee tätä
  • Antureiden omistajuuden merkitsemistä ehdotetaan nyt anturin asetukset sivulle mentäessä uuden anturin lisäämisen jälkeen, mikäli omistajuutta ei ole vielä merkitty
  • Antureita voi nyt nimetä myös koontinäytön kolmipistevalikosta
  • Voit nyt synkronoida uusimmat mittaustulokset koontinäytöllä vetämällä alas näytöllä
  • Käyttöönottoesittelyn kuvia päivitetty
  • Fontteja ja kuvakkeiden kokoja parannettu sekä täydellä anturikortilla että koontinäytöllä
  • Muita pienempiä parannuksia ja bugikorjauksia

2.3.1 hotfix is now available on Tesflight. It fixes iPad crash on add a new sensor screen.

Ruuvi Station iOS app 2.3.2 hotfix build is now available on TestFlight. It should help with crashing when app is receiving new Bluetooth advertisements from RuuviTag sensors. Some users have reported these crashes on 2.3.0 and 2.3.1 app versions. Let us know your feedback. Thanks!

Ruuvi Station iOS v 2.4.0 is available for the public beta testers. This update brings several bug fixes and improvements.


  • Users are now able to limit alert notifications to receive only 1 alert notification per hour from local Bluetooth sensors
  • Users with Pro or higher subscription level are able to set an alert to be shown when sensor has not been updated within a specific time from Ruuvi Cloud using Cloud Connection alert
  • History view now has selections to view 1-12 hours sensor history
  • Measurement Minimum/Maximum/Average is now shown on history view according to chosen timeline
  • Navigation was improved for browsing between Full Image sensor cards and History views
  • Fixed ability to show NFC scanning option when no nearby sensors are detected via Bluetooth
  • Added support to receive language-formatted push messages and emails in the future
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes


  • Käyttäjät voivat nyt rajoittaa hälytysilmoituksia yhteen hälytykseen tunnissa kun hälytyksen lähde on Bluetooth
  • Pro ja korkeamman tilaustason käyttäjät voivat nyt saada hälytyksiä antureista, joiden tietoja ei ole päivitetty Ruuvi Cloud -pilvipalveluun tietyn ajan sisään asettamalla Yhteys pilveen -hälytyksen
  • Historiasivulla on nyt valittavissa 1-12 tunnin mittaushistoria
  • Mittausten Minimi/Maksimi/Keskiarvo näytetään nyt anturin historia -sivulla valitun näkymän mukaan
  • Navigointia korttien välillä parannettu täydellä anturikortilla ja historianäkymässä
  • Korjattu bugi joka esti NFC-vaihtoehdon näyttämisen silloin, kun vielä lisäämättömiä antureita ei ollut Bluetoothin kuuluvuusalueella
  • Lisätty kielituki push- ja sähköpostiviesteille
  • Muita pienempiä parannuksia ja bugikorjauksia

Ruuvi Station iOS v 2.5.0 is available for the public beta testers. This update brings several bug fixes and improvements.


  • Dashboard icon sizes fixed to keep sensor card from jumping
  • Dashboard landing page redesigned for cases when user has no sensors
  • Added new All view selection to History view
  • Bluetooth synchronisation timeout cases improved
  • Movement alert triggering improved in cases where it caused a loop
  • Sensor share page reorganised
  • Default name placeholder now shown on sensor settings page input field
  • Email that user gave during sign in is now shown on code page
  • CSV-export filename now includes timezone
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes


  • Koontinäytön ikonien kokoa korjattu, jotta kortti pysyy aina saman kokoisena
  • Koontinäytön aloitussivua parannettu tapauksissa, joissa käyttäjällä ei ole vielä antureita sovelluksessa
  • Lisätty uusi näkymä Kaikki, jonka avulla käyttäjä näkee kaikki kerätyt mittaukset historiasivulla
  • Bluetooth-synkronoinnin aikakatkaisua parannettu
  • Liikehälytyksen laukeamista parannettu tapauksissa joissa hälytysviesti näytettiin toistuvasti
  • Jaa anturi -sivu järjestelyä parannettu
  • Oletusnimi näytetään nyt anturin asetukset -sivun nimikentässä
  • Käyttäjän syöttämä sähköpostiosoite näytetään nyt kirjautumisessa koodisivulla
  • CSV-tiedostoon viennin tiedostonimeen lisätty aikavyöhyketieto
  • Muita pienempiä parannuksia ja bugikorjauksia

Ruuvi Station iOS v 2.6.0 is available for the public beta testers. This update brings several bug fixes and improvements.


  • Organise sensors freely by drag & drop on dashboard
  • Virtual Sensor cards now removed from app (obsolete)
  • Support for data format 3 sensor cards ended (obsolete)
  • Cloud sync status now shown on sensor settings
  • Sensor firmware update process improved
  • Added option to remove sensor data from cloud after claim
  • RSSI alert now available only when user is signed in (alert uses data from Cloud)
  • Ability to transfer sensor data and sign in tokens removed for transferring data to new device cases
  • Widget API updated to Xcode 15
  • Fixed showing date on last update in widget when last data is old
  • Other minor improvements and bug fixes


  • Antureiden vapaa järjestely koontinäytöllä raahaamalla ja pudottamalla
  • Virtuaaliset anturikortit poistettu sovelluksesta (ei tueta)
  • Data format 3 -tiedostomuotoa käyttävien antureiden tuki päättynyt (ei tueta)
  • Tietojen synkronointipäivitykset näytetään nyt anturin asetukset -sivulla
  • Anturin laiteohjelmiston päivitysprosessia parannettu
  • Lisätty vaihtoehto anturitietojen poistamiselle pilvestä omistajuuden poiston yhteydessä
  • RSSI-hälytys saatavilla vain sisään kirjautuneille käyttäjille (hälytys käyttää pilvipalvelun tietoja)
  • Mittaus- ja kirjautumistietojen siirto poistettu tapauksissa, joissa käyttäjä siirtää tiedot uuteen laitteeseen
  • Päivitetty widgetin API Xcode 15
  • Korjattu viimeisen mittausajankohdan näyttö widgetissä kun viimeisin mittaus on vanha
  • Muita pienempiä parannuksia ja bugikorjauksia