Movement Threshold

I have read that the threshold value for movement is 64mg

I would like to experiment with different values if that is possible. Are there set values that can be used or can it be any assigned value? Where is this value changed in the firmware prior to flashing the updated value?

Thank you in advance

ok so I want to change the value of 64 to make the LIS2DH less sensitive. Do I change the define scale or the define activity threshold value? If it is the activity threshold value, what values are acceptable to use? Where exactly do I change it in the firmware? How do I flash the changed firmware?

Any help appreciated


// mg, scaled to bits by driver

At the present time you need to generate your own firmware using the information found at

I would appreciate it if you could describe your use case. Perhaps I could offer another suggestion If I understood what you need to do.

I believe you are looking at version 2.5.x since
LIS2DH12_ACTIVITY_THRESHOLD is no longer used.

@dgerman thank you for the reply. I have a gateway that collects the data from Ruuvi and sends notifications, etc to the end user. In this case I am receiving movement data but the default setting is too sensitive. I would like to make it less sensitive.

Since you have pointed out that the movement threshold is no longer used, I would imagine then I would have to change the G scale to 4, 8 or 16?

Thank you

I did not say the threshold is no longer used ,rather that it is done differently in the current 3.3x.x version.

I would appreciate it if you could describe your use case. Perhaps I could offer another suggestion If I understood what you need to do.

Noted. I incorrectly stated “movement threshold” instead of what you did say which is “activity threshold”

This is my use case. Not sure what else you are looking for

Thank you

I am just trying to get an idea of what “data” you are collecting and what “notifications, etc” you are sending.
Like “bicycle monitoring for theft.”
“gate movement to detect runaway goats”
If it is proprietary of confidential then oK.

Replied here: Position or rotation sensing? - #15 by otso