Is this a good product for just a temp. meter?

Hi everyone!

I was searching for a temperature meter for in my home. I’ve got a 1 year old child and I’d like to be able to monitor the rooms and their temps. Also want to take the meter outside so I can see if I should open the windows yet to cool of our house.

I don’t intend to do programming on the ruuvi. I just want to plug and play it. Is this a good fit for my needs? Or is another product better suited?

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This works very well in your use case. No programming needed and everything works out of the box.


Great! Thanks, just purchased one :smiley:

One good usage for me with small kids has been installing one into baby carriage during winter time. It was pretty good way to make sure it doesn’t get too hot or cold in there.

Yes! Exactly, that’s what I was thinking about as well, awesome!