Business card (via notification)

If you don’t mind being obnoxious towards everyone having nearby beacon notifications activated:
You can easily force a notification with a line about yourself and a link to your profile.

Using this guide to add Eddystone:

Zip here:
nRF Connect for Mobile (used to upload zip to the ruuvi tag)

nRF Beacon for Eddystone (edit the values) the password is:

Beacon Toy (seeing the data in action)

(pause it 1 minute 25 seconds into the video)

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
	<title>Your name here(1st notification line)</title>
	<meta name="author" content="Your name(not visible)">
	<meta name="description" content="Your title (2nd notification line, not visible on all devises, some show the link instead)" />
	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
	<!-- <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url="> -->
	<meta name="keywords" content="" />
	<p>This is where you put the website that you would like to show people clicking the link.</p>

Save the blob above to a file called:
index.html and put it at the website/link/FTP where you pointed the Eddystone beacon to.
[currently needing to use the link shortener in the app to get notifications without an app]

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
is the icon in the notification, here it is set to favicon.ico the little website icon in tabs and bookmarks.
It is a good idea to add one, otherwise it will be a google jigsaw puzzle piece, when the link shortener is used.

If you would rather have it redirect to an existing website, eg. LinkedIn or a company website, remove the:
While changing the web address in between to what you want it to point to (it currently is pointing to this post)
The whole line can be removed too if you do not need it.
[EDIT: Using this link redirection will also change the title on the notification to be the title of the website redirected to)

Good for tech conferences, business meetings etc.
Be aware of it being pushy though.

Beacons are fun today because they are new and rare.
But the day stores start using them for advertisements everyone will have this feature turned off.
Enjoy it while it lasts.
Like your first electronic mail!
Remember how fantastic that was?
Look at your spam folder today.

Current problem:
Still not showing up as a notification outside of an app like the Weather station does.
[EDIT: using shortened links (button in the “nRF Beacon for Eddystone” app)
makes notification appear without the need of an app, but it also lets google know and register it’s usage and destination)

Possible issue:
Enforced TLS encryption (HTTPS) and my test site is using a Let’s encrypt certificate?
(though also use Let’s encrypt)
Please let me know if anyone get the notifications working without using the link shortener.

Thank you for the detailed post! uses Let’s Encrypt certificate, so the issue of nearby notification not showing up is caused by something else.
I’ve had some issues with redirecting, however Eddystone URLs and URL shorteners should be compatible

You are correct the shortened ( works and show up as notifications.
A shame I really dislike to give Google statistics on my private use and access / links to all the URLs that I use.
But at least it works for testing.
Thank you otso

Also this is just material gathered from the website,
I needed it to toy with this and assumed that others would like it too.
Now to toy with
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico">
and hopefully we will find a way around needing to use links to appear in notifications.

I see your point, HTTP refresh pushes the title of the linked web page, not the chosen title.
Thanks again otso

How can I do this in simpler terms than what you have layer out?

Please explain this to me step by step just simpler!

Thank you for your time!